• you're spite following/following just to hate on me wtf
  • you aren't ok with discourse and civil debate if you disagree
  • you discriminate against people solely for something they can't control (sexuality, race, sex, gender, illness, etc.)
  • you use your religion against people to prove yourself "right"
  • you think that the triggered meme is funny (or any other meme that trivializes a group of people for something they can't control)
  • you don't like ranting/venting
  • you support pedophilia, incest, or any sort of abuse in relationships (yes, even fictional ones)
  • you fetishize wlw or mlm relationships
  • you romanticize mental illness, self harm, suicide, eating disorders, etc.
  • you fetishize mental illness, self harm, suicide, eating disorders, etc.
  • you pair (ship) real life people who aren't together, especially when they have expressed their discomfort on the matter
feb 22 2018 ∞
feb 22 2018 +