• I'm so stressed
  • Top things I'm stressing about at this v moment
    • hair falling out (prob cos of stress. so im stressing over my hair falling out leading to it falling out even more I CANT WIN)
    • lying to the P.U
    • so much work to do and I haven't started anything and there's 1 week til uni and I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail a subject
    • memories missing
    • marriage
    • how low my tolerance for people is getting
      • literally this is why i love shows and books and movies bc atleast people there arent so shit i hate everyone
    • getting jailed for slapping the next person who decides to attack me for something/blame me for something I have 0 part in
    • not being able to come up with dances in time
    • being stressed yet having 0 motivation to do anything but watch scandal and scroll through tumblr
apr 18 2014 ∞
jun 7 2014 +