moon phases;

  • waxing gibbous moon — anticipation for tomorrow, earphones in to relax, wild imagination, midnight storms, restlessness, talking on the phone in bed, checking the fridge at 1am

mornings things;

  • rosy sunlight — waking up unexpectedly early, enjoying the peaceful silent, laying in bed and just thinking, messy buns, the calm before the storm, deciphering your dreams, peach tones

days of the week;

  • sunday — strawberry smoothies, golden hour, a soft feeling of wistfulness, lazy afternoons, 4pm naps, lofi mixes, deja vu, long daydreams, lighting sparklers

types of people;

  • cloud — a million daydreams, the comforting scent of old books, fresh sheets after a bath, fairy lights and fluffy cushions, cookies and milk, laughing with someone and being unable to stop

students as months of the year;

  • september — a morning person, new pens and folders, a perfectionist, audio records classes and re-writes notes, over works themselves, loves the smell of new books, competitive, “i’m gonna fail!” but ends up getting A’s and B’s

pretty french words;

  • espoir (hope) — seems calm, takes long showers, strong-minded, loud laugh, likes pet names & cliché things, will be there for you, loves new beginnings
nov 15 2020 ∞
nov 15 2020 +