maribingo 2015/2016
- 6. Hometown Glory - Adele (video)
- 33. "You've got the whole world in front of you and you're going to the one place you absolutely should not go." (Job, Banshee 1x01, Pilot)
- 42. "Every human being has a basic instinct: to help each other out. Yes, there are assholes who just don't care, but they're massively outnumbered by the people who do." (Mark Watney, The martian)
- free prompt.
clash of the writing titans #6
- prima settimana: alaverde + bonus 10% lunacciaio.
- seconda settimana: alaverde + bonus 10% / bonus numero fic scudoscuro (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*・゚✧
- terza settimana: alaverde + bonus 10% / bonus numero fic scudoscuro (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*・゚✧
- quarta settimana: ombrarossa.
- quinta settimana: scudoscuro (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*・゚✧
- sesta settimana: scudoscuro (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*・゚✧
- vincitore sesta edizione: SCUDOSCURO
dec 9 2015 ∞
dec 23 2016 +