• nimoo's kindle cases so pretty! But I already have a perfectly good case and tbh mine looks a lot more sturdy than these.
  • golden snitch necklace
  • rain clouds wall decals
  • a new mp3 player, and in my defence I'd say I do need a new one after my old one died RIP... ;--;
    • sansa clip+ If I am going with something I can actually afford.
    • cowon i9 If I'm stretching it a little.
    • cowon j3 If I'm paying with money that doesn't exist
    • apple ipod classic Again I don't have this kind of money spare and although I'd really like more space I think this might be a bit much for me? 60-80gb would be perfect for me I think and even less than that would be fine really so...
  • fujifilm instax camera film is so expensive with these so I probably wouldn't use it much...but I still want one!
  • a netbook/laptop, not happening right now, but I think I might need one in a couple of years.
aug 14 2011 ∞
jan 24 2012 +