• Are beauty pageants exploitative?
    • I really don't get why fat girls can't enter a beauty pageant. Who says beauty is all about being anorexic and stuff? It brainwashes us!
  • Should animals be used for research?
    • I really think yes, as long as they're not nearing extinction. How else can we develop new technologies if there's nothing we could test it on, huh? Let's just choose the lesser evil here. Better to do it on animals than on fellow human beings. (PETA is going to kill me)
  • Does access to condoms prevent teen pregnancy?
    • Why, yes. I believe it does prevent teen pregnancy even if it promotes casual sex. So what if more people would engage in sex at an early age? At least it will lessen the number of people who are sixteen and pregnant.
  • Should English be the official language in the United States?
    • Why change it? Everyone's already comfortable with it! In fact, I believe English should be the official language everywhere. That way, international communication would not be such a pain in the ass. Translators would become a thing of the past! Less hassle if you want to talk to your uh, German mother in law or something.
  • Should gay couples be able to marry?
    • Of course! They say love has no gender, and I totally agree with this one. I mean, if you fall in love for someone with the same sex, you really didn't mean to do it, did you? That's why it's called falling in love! And can you just stop your feelings for someone? No! So if feelings between two gay couples are just so strong enough for matrimony, then let them do it!
  • Is fashion important?
    • If your definition of fashion is a way of expressing yourself through the clothes you wear then yes, it is very important!
  • Should students be allowed to grade their teachers?
    • Yes! How else can they improve their teaching style? If they are allowed to grade the students, then students should also definitely be allowed to grade them.
aug 29 2011 ∞
sep 13 2011 +