• talk about your sushine

little by little, as i started to know him better, jungkook began to fill my whole heart. i had never actually had a kpop bias i was so found of so those feelings were... strange?

sometimes i get really sad because my feelings won't reach him, i just want to make him feel loved and special, i want him to know he has a special place in my heart, a place that will always by his. after getting into kpop twitter, i'd watch the other jungkook stans and feel really small because i couldnt express my feelings that well so i wasnt a good fan, i didnt deserve to call myself his fan. sometimes i feel like that even now but ive learned that i express my feelings in my own way, and thats ok too

during school, id think that jungkook is always giving his best so i thought i should give my best as well!!

since ive met jungkook, my love for him keeps getting bigger, i feel like i'll explode. everytime i think "this is it, i cant love jungkook more than i already do" he proves me wrong. every little thing he does is so special to me. whenever i see his smile, i automatically smile as well. his cute laugh, his funny personality, his little mannerism... even the way he eats! he's so talented but that is also due to his hard work. he got into bighit so young, i admire his determination a lot!, he pursued his dreams, i admire him so much.

i love his voice. whenever i'm anxious, if i hear his voice, i suddenly feel so calm and serene.

i love when he teases his hyungs, it makes me laugh so much ghfdj it's his own way to show how much he loves them and i think that's really cute and adorable.

when he recommends us a song, i always go listen to it! and it makes me feel so close to him? that brings me such happiness. whenever i'm sad i listen to his spotify playlist. also seeing that we share interests like, for exemple, kimi no na wa or koe no katachi, makes me extremily happy!

a strange feeling fills me whenever i see jungkook. rather than a distant idol i admire, whenever i see a pic of him (or anything related to him), i feel at ease, i feel at home. a place where I belong, a place which i can come back to when i'm feeling bad. i thank him for showing me what 'home' is.

whenever i think about jungkook, im full of "i love you"s and "thank you"s, it's really hard to put it into words--

everyday before going to sleep, i think that i'm really lucky for being able to meet jungkook. to be able to feel this kind of feelings, to feel this kind of happiness through someone who is so far away, to make new friends, to feel smh special; it's all thanks to jungkook. i'm so grateful

apr 6 2018 ∞
apr 6 2018 +