HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL SUNSHINE!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CUTE BUNNY!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GOLDEN MAKNAE!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEON JUNGKOOK!! ♡♡ I'll keep wishing you "happy birthday" over and over because you deserve uncountable happiness!

This is my first year with you and I have to confess that I'm really excited!!

Since I've met you and bangtan, I've felt lots of joy. I went through lots of things I had to deal with alone and you helped me a lot, /though you live far away and you probably don't know I exist/ your existence makes living less heavy.

I can't express how much I love you in words, so ghjfkjd it's hard for me to write these kind of things.

You're so talented but I admire even more how hardworking you are. I also love your personality so so so much, you're so cute, competitive, hardworking, caring and weird (please never change). I'm always so so so proud of you ♡ You bright up my mornings, my afternoons, my evenings and my nights!! You make me feel so happy and hopeful just knowing that you exist ;;

I constatly worry if you're ok, if you're resting and if you're eating well. I know sometimes you might want to run away from this 'celebrity' thing and you might feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed by it, I understand. That's why I don't want to pressure you into posting selcas or updating on SN, even though I'm worried about you, I respect your personal space because, honestly, all I want is for you to be ok ♡

I'll never be able to repay all of the things you do for me. When I'm sad, if I think of you, I'll feel better. Just thinking about your bright smile and the funny things you do/say makes my day a lot better!! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much. You've helped me go through bad days/weeks without even knowing.

I love your shiny eyes. I love your well known bunny smile. I love your loud laugh.

I hope you have a nice day, I hope today everyone reminds you how important your existence is, I hope today you realize how unique you are. I'll always be by your side, I'll always root for you and support you. I'm glad I got so far and had the change to meet you, to meet bangtan.

Thank you for all your work, I'm always proud of you and your acomplishiments. Thank you for always sharing that joy with us. Thank you for caring so much about us, ARMYs.

I love you so so so so much, more than I can say, more than you'll ever be able to know. Once again, thank you, really, for everything. You will forever be my most precious sunshine, I love you.

apr 6 2018 ∞
apr 6 2018 +