• Dear Jungkook, how are you?

Before getting to know you, I never understood how someone could love an idol so much. But, at some point, whenever I saw bangtan bombs my eyes would instantly search for the boy whose smile was so bright, whose eyes looked like two shiny stars.

Little by little I started to love those 7 boys more and more and therefore loving you even more.

You constantly ocupy my thoughts, I always wonder what you're doing, how you're feeling. When I'm sad if I see your smile I feel slightly better already, when I'm anxious if I hear your voice I feel calmer. You're my heaven on earth.

I truly believe you're a born singer, you were born to perform, you were born to be on stage. Every single day I feel more and more proud of you. When I see your smile while performing, how much fun you're having at concerts my heart gets warm because it must be an amazing feeling; doing what you love, loving what you do, i hope you experience that happiness during lots and lots of years.

Seeing how much you've grown throughout these years makes me sad because time goes by so quickly but it also makes me eager to see you grown even more as a person and as an artist and I hope I'll be able to walk along with you for a long time.

And I never thought I'd love someone like I love you. You always make me happy, you always manage to dry my tears and make me smile. After a long day or when I'm having a bad time, I can always meet you in the magic shop inside my head. When I wake up everyday I know you were the one who gave the strenght to at least try again. When I feel like giving up you're always here for me, you always help me and make me stand on my own feet again.

Ever since I met you "love" became the purest and the most beautiful word I can think of. Maybe because I love you so much you're the first person I think of when someone asks me about love or maybe because you're the person that taught me to love and to be loved. "Love" is such a beautiful word and it has so many meanings. I wish I could at least try to explain everything I feel for you but I think love covers most of it. When I say I love you, I mean it. When I say I love you it means I love you because you are /you/, because you're one of the most beautiful human beings I've ever met; you're so sincere and good-hearted. You are pure gold, not just because you're extremely talented but also because your eyes shine brighter than any galaxy ever could, because your smile is more beautiful than every single landscape I've ever laid my eyes on and it's so warm and bright it could become the world's souce of light. And your heart, too, is pure gold, you care so much for the people you love and the way you express your feelings, even through simple things, is extremely adorable.

It's the 2nd birthday I spend with you but it's kinda weird because it feels like I've known you my whole lifetime. Happy birthday. Please be happy, be healthy, take care of yourself, I love you so much, more than any words could ever tell.

I'm not with you since the beginning but I promise you I'll stay with you until the end. No matter what happens you'll always have a place in my heart just for you, a place you can always come to, I promise it's all yours.

Your existence is a burning light in my mind. Even when everything is dark and scary, even when I'm close to giving up, you're there and youre shining. So I keep telling myself to try again, to hold on. And I'm here, and I get to celelbrate your birthday for the 2nd time despite everything. Thank you for being my light that never goes out (but if it does goes out, I'll always be here for you and I, too, will become your light that never goes out).

I love you I love you I love you, thank you.

apr 6 2018 ∞
apr 18 2019 +