this is the 4th birthday letter i write to you... weird, isn't it? time goes by so quickly. in these 4 years I've seen you grow and you've grown with me. although many things have changed, my love for you hasn't and you're still one of the greatest people i know and you're still my light, you still bring me an enourmous amount of happiness everytime i see your smile

i keep saying you taught me how to love and how to be loved but it's true. you don't know how little i loved before i loved you. how i thought love was supposed to be this fire burning inside you, how the more tragic the truer it is, but it's not. love is gentle and warm and radiant, a light that protects and shines on you, and that's how i feel about you. and as time goes by, my love for you grows brighter and warmer.

you were my hope when i didn't have any and my light when i was stuck in the dark, and for that i'm so grateful.

thank you for being so earnestly you. i love your endearing personality, your sweet and thoughtful actions, how your eyes grow wide when you're curious or concentrated. i love how you smile with your eyes, i love how you get wrinkles in your eyes when you smile widly and i love your loud laugh and soft giggles. i love when you share your deep thoughts with us as much as your silly ones. i love your determination and passion which inspire me in every way. i love how your 'i don't know what to talk about' vlives (which i really miss) turn into 1h of ramblings about anything and everything and how difficult it is for you to turn it off once you get comfortable. i love how humble you are and how much you love and appreciate ARMYs. i love how your presence became a warm and healing place in my heart.

and you. i love you more than love happy birthday

sep 1 2020 ∞
sep 1 2020 +