trying to convey my feelings in a pretty way

  • the angel that keeps me going through the day. you're amazing kookie, don't forget that. you deserve nothing but the best. i'll always be eternally grateful for your existence, i'm glad you're you. i'm glad i've met bangtan. i'm glad i've met you. even thought i know you cant vent to me, just know that my thoughts are always with you. i'm always wishing for your happiness. i love you.
  • 08.12.2017 ⋅ to me, you're the best person in the world and the loveliest sweetheart to ever exist. whenever i see your bright smile and your shiny eyes i think that maybe the world isnt that bad. i love you. 1 year supporting you and counting~ your voice, your laugh; those are the most beautiful sounds in this world. i truly belive you're a ‹ born singer › and i'm happy you're following your dream. i wasnt with you since the very beginning but i promise i'll be with you till the end and beyond
  • whenever you're struggling, remember that there's someone like me that loves you to the moon and back and whenever i'm struggling, i'll remember your little acts of love, that way we'll never be alone. let's root for each other and watch each other grow
  • your voice makes flowers bloom in my chest. the whole world is in slow motion and suddenly everything is serene and calm, at least for 4 minutes
  • you have the most geuine heart and the purest soul i'll ever met. my love for you is a forever kind of thing
  • i'd the steal all of the stars in the universe for you if i could
  • the stars are jealous of you, you shine so bright you could become the sun which illuminates the earth. thank you for being my sun everyday
  • i'm completly in love with you and you'll always have a special place in my heart. it doesn't matter who enters and leaves my life, you'll always be there, in a special place in my heart full of happy thoughts.
  • you are made of dreams and melted sunsets and gold. even if i lived hundreds of years and travelled through the whole world, i'd never met someone like you. when you were born, all the stars, galaxies and nebulosas gathered in your soul
apr 6 2018 ∞
apr 6 2018 +