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  • redamancy by fairyslush ♥♥ | but i don't blame you. i'll never burn as brilliantly as you. it is only fair that i should be the one to chase you across ten, twenty-five, a hundred lifetimes/until i find the one where you'll return to me. this is a story of how seongwoo looks for minhyun in all of their shared tomorrows. (inspired by 25 lives) 6.5k words. reincarnation AU
  • only you by optimushwang ♥♥ | Minhyun suffers. Seongwoo is just waiting for him to admit it. >2k words.
  • not in blood but in bond by deliveryservice ♥♥ | stolen jewels, a wealthy detective, and a retired thief. 54k words. !violence
  • you've got my head spinning by ICEBE4R ♥♥ | As capable as Hwang Gallyang may be, he doesn’t expect to hear Jihoon questioning over breakfast with a genuine worried look if anyone else felt the slight trembles of an earthquake happening last night. Minhyun chokes on his tea and Seongwoo merely laughs. 1.6k words. !mature
  • work of art by optimushwang ♥♥ | Minhyun develops a habit of admiring Seongwoo whenever and wherever they go. 1.7k words.
  • i've been afraid of changing (cause i've built my life around you) by shirosayas ♥♥ | in which seongwoo is an idiot that makes terrible jokes. really, really terrible jokes. 2k words. MCU AU.
  • home isn't a place (it is a person. and we are finally home.) by koroshiyas ♥♥ | after minhyun surrenders the shield and frees his friends, he retires. 3.2k words. MCU AU.
  • hush, my sweet (these tornadoes are for you) by lightsyj ♥♥ | onghwang drabbles.
  • i got faith in you and i ( so put your pretty lil hand in mine ) by ICEBE4R ♥♥ | hook, line, and sinker. minhyun's got his game and seongwoo's determined to undo the wrong. but life happens and both are at a lost. !wip
  • Dyadic by AStrangeDaze ♥♥ | Minhyun is certain that he’s much happier on his own, thank you very much; he certainly doesn’t need the drama that comes with love. Or: the Soulmate AU with ambiguous soulmarks, where our lovely Hwang Minhyun doesn't believe in love. !wip
  • the words that hover around deep inside (i love you) by uyu ♥♥ | Five times where Seongwoo said 'I love you' in his own way and the one time he was pretty straightforward about it. Or: Minhyun understands exactly what Seongwoo means. Maybe. 6.5k words. 5+1 things.
  • how are you feeling this morning? my lover, my lover by catastrophes ♥♥ | Brunch with Minhyun is the most simple and wonderful thing, but at the same time, also filled with so many complex emotions for Seongwu. 9.4k words.
  • hold onto me, 'cause i'm a little unsteady by dreamsailing ♥♥ | Seongwoo forms a habit of kissing Minhyun but wasn’t ready for the onslaught of feelings that later came with it. Things get complicated when you’re best friends, but even more so when one of you is already involved with another. !wip and will make you suffer (i love it)
  • Matched by hayake ♥♥ | Minhyun is not interested in boning dicks but then Ong Seongwoo and Tinder happened. texting, !wip
  • would you be my love, my love by sleepeasy ♥♥ | seongwoo's a little tipsy and minhyun gets him home. 700 words.


  • What Is This Feeling? by happymidnight ♥♥ | Ever since Daniel first laid eyes on Minhyun he's felt a weird sensation in his heart that he just can't explain. !wip


  • i'm aiming for you by galacticnik ♥♥ | Lesson learned: do not trust Jaehwan when he says he made you soup. 2.6k words, witch!jaehwan


  • tell me what you want by galacticnik ♥♥ | Sungwoon and Jaehwan's relationship has been vague from the beginning, but Sungwoon might finally want something more concrete. 3.8k words.


  • this is the spoiler to my heart by galacticnik ♥♥ | Sungwoon accidentally sends a compromising picture to everyone except the one guy it was intended for. This is a problem. 7.5k words.
sep 18 2017 ∞
jan 13 2019 +