is there anything more awkward than...

  • talking about undergarments with a 91-year-old woman?
  • witnessing full-frontal nudity with your parents?
      • along with this, sex scenes
      • along with this, even intense kissing
      • along with this, allegations of sex tapes on the news
        • "i hope you haven't made a sex tape, sara."
      • along with this, being told about your parents sexual encounters?
  • being alone in an elevator with someone you don't know?
      • or someone you don't like?
  • running into someone you went to high school with when you're totally unprepared?
  • hearing someone moving around in the next room while you're having sex?
      • especially if you're having sex in an atypical location, like the bathroom counter or something
  • being suddenly plagued with digestive issues while at someone's house for the first time?
  • being caught in a situation that looks compromising, but actually isn't, by people you barely know?
  • finding out that one of your best friends is in love with you?
  • doing something with a male friend and being mistaken for lovers?
  • your current boyfriend meeting the guy you used to date who somehow became your best friend?
      • especially when your buddy is acting really, unforgivably nerdy. and not even in a fun or cute way. just in a "i'm going to wear a top hat to this party and crouch awkwardly by the heater all night." kind of way.
      • or when you're having "a moment" with your boyfriend and nothing's really happening except you're lost in your little love-filled, rose-colored world... and your buddy - who may or may not still have feelings for you - walks in.
jul 4 2009 ∞
jul 4 2009 +