my top three moments all occurred within the first month and a half of my relationship.

  • before we were even dating, i made a quick visit to my now boyfriend's dorm room before going to bed. as i left, i turned their lights off, and in a half-asleep mumble, he said, "sara, you're so nice. i'm going to marry you someday."
  • he visited me at home over winter break just after our relationship began. after a long morning of him meeting a bunch of my friends and seeing the sights (ha!), we were exhausted. we got back to my house, and on my mother's orders, went to take a nap. it was the first time we'd even laid down together, but we fell perfectly into it. for about three or four hours, we spooned and although most of the time was spent sleeping, he'd wake up every so often and whisper how lucky he was to have found me.
  • after getting back to the dorm for the start of second semester, and a little excited because of our "epic nap" over break, we decided to spend the night together before his roommate got back. he held me throughout the night and kissed my shoulder blade when he saw fit. although we'd been dating for over a month, he had yet to actually kiss me, and i was beginning to think he wasn't going to. i'd never kissed a boy before, so i was getting more and more freaked out the longer we waited. upon waking up the next morning, the first thing he did was kiss me. then he apologized. it was the cutest thing.

the more romantic moments occurring after that happen to be a bit too racy to put in public. the moments that aren't racy are probably only important to me... things like

  • staying on the phone with me for an hour and a half while i sob my heart out because everything in my life is going to hell, except for my relationship with him and i miss him so badly that i can barely function.
  • watching one of his favorite movies with a group of five or so friends and falling asleep together after they all trickle away for one reason or another.
  • the letter he wrote me for christmas which said how much he liked me and how no christmas present he could get me seemed like enough.
  • "i miss you so much, sara. i want to kiss you so bad right now."
jul 5 2009 ∞
jul 9 2009 +