• finish the boatload of 311 homework that will likely be assigned this week (actually it probably won't, just because i have no life and am actually waiting for homework to be assigned... how pathetic is that.)
  • study study study for my lit midterm on friday. i am going to get a good grade.
  • have the dreaded conversation. try not to cry too much.
  • call landlord. say heat doesn't work. be embarrassed when he says i need to [insert something obvious here]. (actually heat started working)
  • talk to an adviser. cry about not being able to take all the classes i want. discuss possible methods of gaining experience within the field when i can't afford to take an unpaid internship.
  • declare majors. not like i'm a junior or anything...
  • find aunt peg. obtain winter jacket. stop freezing on the way to class. (now watch it not be 30 degrees when i leave for class as soon as i get the jacket.)
  • watch dogs get run over by cars. because that's not a sad movie choice at all, 325 coordinator. thanks for that.
  • figure out a way to make no food last all week. refuse to buy any food. save as much money as possible.
  • obtain gre results from jon. figure out whether we're going home this weekend. call mom with info.
  • make icons. i would set a goal, but you know how that goes.
  • call mom for her birthday. don't cry about my own sad, pathetic life. be cheerful because it's her birthday. send her a cheesy e-card.
  • mail letter to grandma. she's lonely too.
  • get stamps. this will need to be done before mailing said letter to grandma.
  • stop letting netflix dvds sit on the counter for a week before returning them. jesus. get some use out of the subscription!
  • watch some good instant netflix.
  • do laundry.
  • clean the shower.
  • swiffer the kitchen.
  • swiffer the bathroom.
  • reorganize spice cupboard.
  • try to get to charter to return that awful broken modem. possibly speak to aunt peg about this.
  • remember to eat, because even though i don't have an appetite 90% of the time, it's still important not to die.
  • take vitamins, because a repeat of the whole norovirus + cold thing would not be cool. especially when jon's due back on friday.
  • finalize spring semester schedule. deliberate pros and cons of taking a math class. possibly cry to an adviser about it.
  • deliberate ba vs. bs for linguistics. is a bs possible at this time? would it be worth the extra effort? does a bs even look better than a ba?
  • meet with professor macken during her office hours. consider why she has yet to respond to my email from thursday. make sure i'm not suddenly failing because i missed a class.
  • consider speaking to a doctor about those days when i sob uncontrollably for hours. mention the general apathy of my daily life. bring up the fact that it seems i'm a complete failure, trying to sound the least self-pitying possible. probably also mention the fact that i have no appetite and only want to sleep.
  • vacuum. possibly get creative and try to get the dust bunnies on the ceiling. (how did those even get there, by the way?!)
  • figure out why command hooks won't stick to my walls. make them stick. hang pictures back up so my apartment doesn't look like a prison cell.
  • change sheets from these germy ones to freshly laundered not germy ones.
  • get phonology and syntax notes from thursday. phonology from tanner, syntax from kara?
  • get creative in the job search. figure out the widest possible ratio for a job. look in unusual places. accept that nobody's going to hire me and i'll be that awkward senior working with all freshmen.
  • find more fun tiled backgrounds, because what better way to waste time is there?
  • remember that jon comes back on friday, and the week will probably start flying after wednesday.
  • download and watch glee.
  • download and watch the big bang theory.
  • find mysterious missing yellow towel.
  • organize big closet.
  • figure out something to do for anniversary/christmas. determine clever way to bring up combining the two without making it sound like i'm doing it because i'm cheap. possible trip again, as we did last year. new location would be nice.
nov 8 2010 ∞
nov 20 2010 +