• i oscillate between using my irl name and using online aliases when i want to have a more Private Online Existence. if you've known me by another name feel free to call me that, if i've used it here it is probably a name i don't mind going by
  • i'm cool with whoever following me and/or sending me follow requests if i’m locked but i'm pretty picky about my tl.
  • on that note, if i’m locked, it’s because i don’t like my tweets to be searchable, but feel free to follow request whenever
  • unfollow, mute or block me however and whenever, and if you're not comfortable with me following you give me a shout or (soft)block me
  • i’m kind of trigger-happy with the block function and tend to block by association, ie if you follow an incest apologist or artist i’ll block you as well. if you’re wondering why you’re blocked, go through your following list and you’ll probably find your answer there
  • it's cool to retweet art or jokes or something you feel is a testimonial. it's not cool to retweet my personal feelings or my Discourse-y tweets. use your judgement
  • this is not a spoiler free account for, well... pretty much any media i consume. i tag spoilers for relatively new media, but if it’s over a year old, spoilers will not be warned. tread carefully.
  • this is not an incest, minor/adult ship friendly twitter. that includes corrin/siblings and byleth/students.
feb 11 2017 ∞
jun 9 2022 +