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wishlist (I want I want I want!)
nov 27 2011
movies (watch this someday)
nov 27 2011
books (Think about checking out)
nov 27 2011
music (Songs I would love to slow dance to)
oct 1 2011
performances (stand up comics I love)
oct 1 2011
oct 1 2011
travel (Places I want to go to)
feb 17 2011
websites (web comics/daily/whimsy)
sep 23 2009
activities (Get up and go!)
sep 18 2009
movies (I want the movie!)
sep 18 2009
books (Chick Lit)
sep 2 2009
work (Mediation)
feb 26 2009
to do (24 things to do before I turn 25)
feb 17 2011
about me (things I <3)
dec 1 2009
websites (all abt me)
sep 27 2009