
  • 5 stars = instant favorite - OBNOXIOUSLY TALKING ABOUT IT
  • 4 stars = great - RECOMMEND TO EVERYONE
  • 2 stars = would not watch again
  • 1 star = horrible

stars awarded

  • quality of film: out of 2 stars
    • is the film well-made technically? is it well written?
  • plot: out of 1 star
    • is there a plot? does the plot make sense?
  • characters: out of 1 star
    • are the performances good? are the characters fleshed out, and do their actions make sense?
  • affinity: out of 1 star
    • did i like the film? would i rewatch it? would i recommend it?

obviously, there is some leniency in this rating system, particularly for movies that are personal favorites of mine.

this is how two vastly different films (IRON MAN 2 and DUNKIRK, for the purposes of this post) can end up having the same rating.

IRON MAN 2: 1 star for quality + 0.5 star for plot + 1 star for characters + 0.5 stars for affinity = 3/5 stars

DUNKIRK: 2 stars for quality + 0.5 star for plot + 0.5 star for characters = 3/5 stars

dec 29 2017 ∞
apr 5 2018 +