• 01 - busy day. woke up at 6, went to sleep at 11, woke up again at 12. went swimming for an hour. went to fred meyer to return something, then crossroads for bubble tea. got another pair of shoes from sears T_T (was in there for an hour) then went to goodwill; got a t-shirt there. then asian foods nearby for roadtrip snacks and some food dad needed for dinner. ended with buying an air mattress from big 5 for parents. got home around 7 wow. trimmed my bangs and now they look horrible since i did it without a mirror... i'm stupid.
  • 02 - woke up at 6 wow. might make a longer post about the canada trip but might also just be saying that just to make myself feel better about not doing it now. didn't have any phone/internet service the entire trip because sprint sucks. went to the richmond night market.
  • 03 - took the ferry to nanaimo island then to newcastle island.
  • 04 - camped out.
  • 05 - ferry'd back + couldn't sleep during the 3 hour drive back. didn't get home until 11 30 and then left again right after unloading the car.
  • 06 - helped my cousin move stuff until 12 30, ate until 1, slept at 3. didn't leave the house, took a shower.
  • 07 - 2 32 and just realised it's my fake birthday.
  • 08 - woke tam up at 8 which is too early for her but w/e we played tennis for 90 mins and then idk what i did maybe sit around. got tanner
  • 09 - got bubble tea at some point and hung around half priced books. got a mt. fuji postcard book thing idk. tam washed my hair in the sink before we went out. came home and suffered through pride and prejudice and then cleaned/worked on room decor.
  • 10 - woke up at 5 wth and left the house at 5 45. got there right at 6 and did misc stuff until 7. registered people for the race for like 2+ hours. was at the same station/table as this hot guy named joshua though! my age, tall, used to do xcountry and didn't get a chance to take a pic with him but yeah. it was nice. left at 10 40 'cause dad swung by with mindy. got like 6 free tees and 4 sunglasses. spent the rest of the day watching vids. family went to grandma's, tam left for oregon for the weekend w/ friends. something dropped but all lights are off and i don't wanna check. couldn't order pizza either fml that was so frustrating.
  • 11 - pretty much just hung out at chua while people were practicing their dances and put up flags, pretended to help put together the stage but was just talking with dennis. talked with minh a lot and he rapped, that was ridic.
  • 12 - idk
  • 13 - idk
  • 14 - idk
  • 15 - idk must've gotten bubble tea one of these days and went out often.
  • 16 - went with tam to pick up her friends at the airport, which was just a big headache.
  • 17 - went for dim sum in the morning, drove dad to the zoo while sisters and her friends went in another car. got there around 11 30, stayed until 3 idk. tam left with her friends after to go back to college. dad drove me + the kids to chua. vu lan, yeah. it was ok. stayed until 10 ish and went to sleepover at lillian's bc of ld picnic.
  • 18 - watched pokemon and spongebob. went to chua around noon, stayed there cleaning up and doing maintenance work on the lions until 2, went to a picnic and played charades. headed off for a martial arts comp at edmonds college at 5 ish? 5 30? stayed there and watched perfs until past 8, maybe 9. ha gave me a ride home. mindy cut her hair short and was waiting for me when i got back.
  • 19 - idk
  • 20 - idk
  • 21 - idk
  • 22 - stayed home
  • 23 - idk
  • 24 - went driving with dad?
  • 25 - went to chua, made cards.
  • 26 - went driving with dad.
  • 27 - might've gone driving with dad.
  • 28 - got sick. shouldn't have boasted of having a superior immune system.
  • 29 - didn't sleep and went jogging. it was raining a lot, got my shoes socked. then was in the hot tub/pool until around 7 idk.
  • 30 - stayed home. talked to david for a little.
  • 31 - stayed in bed most of the day except to eat once at noon. took a nap at one point. parents have friends over for dinner so i can't leave my room 'cause my hair looks gross.
aug 1 2013 ∞
aug 31 2013 +