• 01 - went to class. got home & ate. took a nap. woke up and watched ranking king then talked with keyah.
  • 02 - started talking with david too. that convo ended around 2 30; stayed up all night talking with keyah!! took a shower at 8 30 ish; got to chua at 9 30. went in henry's car to the first perf of the year @ wing luke asian museum. was in the lion for 30+ mins straight ugh. there was a news reporter from KIRO 7 and they closed off the street for us. got back to chua around 2; hung around and got mcd's ice cream then took a nap on chairs. woke up and played 13 with anh bao, thien, and hiep. left for the perf in redmond at 5 ish; went in the car with anh bao and was sleepy but stayed awake talking the entire time. he drove me home around 7 30 and i went to sleep at 10 ish.
  • 03 - woke up at 8 feeling beat up and aching everywhere. literally. i think it was sleeping on the chair. dad took me driving in the morning; went on the freeway for the first time! came back around 9 30; showered then went out for dim sum w/ the family. went to the bakery afterwards and got some bread for anh bao as thank you. chua was spent working on the game booths. my group is in charge of darts, which is what i do every year :D spent a ton of time taping styrofoam together with lynda (mostly), henry, fritzie, and vivian. then covered these branches with flowers... yeah. didn't talk to david all day, until the end of lion dance-ish. practice was mostly prep talk & going over the big perf next week.
  • 04 - stayed up until 2 15 talking to david; mostly about sunday and stuff. woke up, went to class. ran into quincy after 3rd in the library and checked out a book. mostly worked on coloring my self portrait, which looks nothing like me because the eyes are too big, even after trying to change it two times. i've always been very bad with proportions :\ came home, did the usual. uploaded a few pics and yeah idk. gave mussa my number and we started texting. lots of texting happened tonight, actually. mussa, quincy, david, daryon. i think i'm set for the month.
  • 05 - went to classes and then went home and ate. met back with quincy after his 5th. he drove us to crossroads and we watched warm bodies and we walked around a little before he dropped me back off at the school because i wanted to go to tutorial. made ms. ogimachi a flower and got my lit portfolio from last semester. went home around 3 30 and then started on The List.
  • 06 - stayed up until 3 40 somehow. woke up at 8 and almost didn't go to class, but was glad that i did. mrs crubaugh was finally back after being out for almost a week and we actually did some instructional drawing. went home and worked on The List and then slept for like 5 hours. have 421 titles so far. cover letter due tmrrw, but talking to david rn. going to sleep over at his house on saturday night/sunday morning after our midnight perf. seems fitting to be greeting the year with him yet again.
  • 07 - stayed up until 4, and woke up multiple times. got up at 9, which was when class started. i didn't get to eng until 9 45, and we did some stuff for poetry. went to the library afterwards and got my cover letter done. went home and the went back to school for tutorial to turn in the cover letter and a permission slip for a field trip. we're going to see a play in a couple of weeks. ended up staying and talking to ms ogimachi until 3 30. watched some stuff when i got home and i'm just sad because i read something that kate said about leo while they were filming the titanic and it's. to think about all of the people that could've been in love, or were, and now aren't. it's very sad.
  • 08 - went to class, barely. stopped by tutorial to let ms ogimachi borrow 'crush.' then bused to chua and got there around 4 for two performances. was in the car w/ henry, giau, hiep, and kathy to westwood, and then to uni of WA, but went in thien's car for the ride home. sat on the floor between david and dylan, and spent most of the ride talking with david. got picked up around 10. there was an accident on the bridge; someone had driven off.
  • 09 - got to chua at 9 to head off to wing luke for the demo. got back around 12 and set up the game booths and played darts. helped tape up the lion and yeah. played games; won a stuffed animal duck for myself and then got a stuffed animal dog for mindy with help from henry. he gave me like 20 of his tickets. had the upstairs choreographed perf at 11 30 and then headed outside for the firecracker perf and the following fireworks at midnight.
  • 10 - LUNAR NEW YEAR!! greeted the year with the team and like over 2K people; the crowd was huge. two other lion dance teams also joined us. left chua around 1 with david's family. sat around and talked, then ate with him and his step niece vivian. ended up talking until like 4. had a horrible time waking up at 7; and then had a ton of performances. the day was too long for this. and horrible. took 2 hours to bus home; got back around 6 30 and slept at a little past 11.
  • 11 - went to class. got home and fell asleep with lights on. woke up and ate. yeah.
  • 12 - went to bed late; woke up at went to class and tried to write. finished up a my graphite shell drawing and starting the charcoal one tmrrw. got home, ate, half-napped. got picked up for the central washington university perf a little before 4. was in the car with anh duc, brandon, lien, and thien. sat next to thien; kind of thinking he did it on purpose. arrived sometime around 6 and the clients gave us food. helped trung study for his trig test and talked before having to go on stage. we had three lions and i was the rainbow one. i was the only one that had to "sleep" for half an hour through the presentation and then did the 20 minute performance as head because brandon missed my cues to internally switch. it was tiring but not a bad perf. we went back to seattle and ate at a restaurant in chinatown. sat next to david and thien again because henry is a jerk like that (but not really. henry's nice. just no). we ate for like 2+ hours. barely looked at thien and spent most of my time talking with david and trung-ish. david was being really ridic too; eating with his hands randomly and lapping at the tea. but it made for an interesting night. it wouldn't have been the same w/o the gross-ness. was there until 12 30. lien gave me a ride home and got back at 1 05.
  • 13 - 2 44 and i'm going to sleep. / actually went to class and had a vday party with popcorn and candy hearts. spent the whole period doing a graphite drawing of those two things. went home afterwards and went to the dentist's at 1 30. ate at dairy queen afterwards and had a doctor's appointment at 3 45 (that was really pointless because my next check up isn't until late april.
  • 14 - wore pink and white and got to class. had r.e. smith come in and talk to us about the new poet's society and about poetry in general; got his book the window ledge and then spent the rest of the period in the lab writing up a poem. that and the analysis due tomorrow. got home and made my dad take me out for dim sum!! i drove there and then drove to my mum's work place afterwards and just around. got home around two, and i went to art tutorial until 3 45. ran into this guy and came home to find out thien was around. had that encounter. had a drawing session with sisters for like 2 hrs then slept at 8.
  • 15 - woke up at 4. last day before mid winter break! yes. cool. ended up going home to do the poem assignment because i needed a paper i forgot. went back before 7th period and printed it off, then spent 7th in ceramics to glaze my cup. dropped off my paper in tutorial and got back crush; ms ogimachi said she thought it was really good. talked a little then went home and can't remember what i did. talked to david online for a while though.
  • 16 - gonna throw the day summary for this weekend on lj because it's too long.
  • 17 - http://ingridan.livejournal.com/43212.html
  • 18 - stayed home all day, except when i went out driving for a little while with my dad. i feel like a pro for parallel parking but i've only tried with cones, not with actual cars so idk. yeah.
  • 19 - went driving for a little under an hour with dad, but otherwise stayed home all day. canceled my date with rebekah 'cause i wasn't feeling up to it.
  • 20 - FINALLY RANKED UP IN TETRIS!!! / sneezed and got a nose bleed. / uh ordered pizza because there was nothing to eat and watched reply 1997, and went into a food coma afterwards. woke up around 7 when my mum came home with sushi. had a drawing session that warped to adding to/organizing my memory box. and then started watching happy feet before mum called sisters to sleep.
  • 21 - have a dentist appointment at 7 45 fml because i thought i had school this week and scheduled it before when my classes would've been. / went to that and went driving for a little while with my dad right after. yeah. had another drawing session with sisters, then talked to tam; parents webcammed with her and then i ended up skyping with her for three hours while looking at glasses.
  • 22 - skyping & finally choosing what glasses i was going to order went until like 2? went to sleep sometime after that. had another doctor's appointment at 10 and that lasted until almost 11. got home, ate, watched stuff, napped. woke up and played more tetris. then started talking with kei at 10 30.
  • 23 - talked to kei until 2 50! it was really great. i made her go to sleep 'cause she has work in the morning but we have a date planned for sunday :D talked to david for a little too but he's also working in the morning. met with the team for the microsoft performance and ate there too; got goodie bags and stayed there until 3. hung out with henry in the parking lot so we could watch kathy drive, and then went to oasis for bubble tea after. met up with david and peter at southcenter at like 6, and walked around. then went to grab quynh, trung, and thien to go bowling. thien didn't go because of me, and trung met us at the bowling alley since he was playing ping pong at school. so yeah, we got two lanes for an hour, then drove around like crazy looking for a place to eat. finally got to ihop around 11, and ate there. david dropped trung off at home and i slept over at david's after calling my mum.
  • 24 - slept a little after 1, and woke up at 7 briefly before falling back asleep and waking up close to 9. we were 20 minutes late because david takes forever, and made it just in time to hop into a car and take off for the field trip. went to a chinese temple in redmond, then a huge viet one in lynnwood. they had so many statues and there was tea. yes. watched a different team lion dance at 11 30, and then explored until 12 30 with kathy, lynda, khanh, giau, and vivian. that was fun. slept on the car ride back; david and peter were ko'd in the backseat too. got my parents to pick me up from chua early 'cause i wasn't feel up to it so went home and laptop stuff until kei came online and we talked.
  • 25 - went to sleep really late... the light from the window woke up me up and i panicked but then went back to sleep and somehow turned off my alarm when it went off without getting up, so i was late. skipped english entirely and showed up for art. came home and watched some running man before driving to my mom's work to get nails done (since lion dance season is over!) with isabel. she stayed home 'cause she's sick but yeah. went to target afterwards and spent an hour and 50 dollars on some food and a hula hoop for isabel. went home, ate, finished the ep of RM, fic'd and then slept. yes.
  • 26 - went to classes, picked up my little sisters from school and picked up those things that twirl on the walk home. took a nap? idk.
  • 27 - stayed up until 5... had art; did a white on black drawing that kind of sucked a lot. should've picked a different topic -__- but yeah. picked up sisters again from school. got home at 1, and passed out shortly after for 6 hours. woke up and ate and played some charades with the kids. started talking to david at 10 20.
  • 28 - ended up talking to david until 4 45, even though he said good night to me at 1 05, and i told him hourly to go to sleep. going to play some tetris until i feel like sleeping. isabel made me sandwiches for the field trip. / woke up for that. got to class as the bell was ringing, and yeah. slept on the bus ride to and from the seattle repertory. talked to some new people while waiting for the play to start. the play itself was amazing!! haven't seen one in a while and it's a shame it's not a movie that i could've just paused at times and written down quotes i like, but i guess that's the novelty of it. there was a Q&A time with the tech person after, followed by one with three of the actors, which was great. my question was the last one and my teacher said it was a nice way to wrap things up. (what lines did you find memorable from the play?) had lunch after, and went to sleep on the sofa when i got home, because i didn't want to miss it if the usps guy came and i missed receiving my glasses. stayed on the couch until 5 30, and the package ended up being in the mailbox because it fit -___- and so goes my efforts, but it's all good. got a new pair of glasses from coastal, which was free since they do a get your first pair free promo, and only had to pay $15 for shipping. the glasses themselves were $80 so good deal, good deal. and a good way to end my february. cheers.
feb 1 2013 ∞
may 1 2013 +