• 01 - had an alarm at 6 27 but didn't wake up til 7 10. brushed my teeth, slipped on flats that didn't match, then went to sit in for a work meeting until 9. had donuts after and yeah. drove back home, laid around a bit before driving to this house 10 mins away and doing a lion dance perf there. the team split up to do 2 perfs so didn't see all the people i wanted to see. drove home after, laid around more, went to qfc to grab some stuff then worked from 2 til 10. it was a mess, my smile felt frozen on my face.
  • 02 - woke up at 9 ish. only one perf today at 11 30 and i would have to leave at 12 30 for work so anh bao said i don't have to come even though i want to :( worked from 1 til 11 bc we actually won the superbowl whaaat. it was crazy, but kind of fun, with all the people that showed up after the game, still in their gear. sales were better than they were on black friday, ridiculously. think i gave tori a ride home.
  • 03 - work. everyone was buying superbowl stuff ofc.
  • 04 - day off but no idea what i did??
  • 05 - work
  • 06 -
  • 07 - spent 4 hours making a batman body pillow that got finished around 2am :D it is great maybe my hidden talent is sewing. went to a perf in the morning for greenlake elementary and it was freezing! henry and david were a no-show so kathy ended up having to be tail and i did the new routine. kids loved it but we had to wait outside for like half an hour before we got to go in and perform. lion was a surprise so yeah. it felt like my toes were going to fall off. went to eat with truong/anh ni after, then drove home. laid around for an hour before going to work at 2.
  • 08 - had a perf at 11 am so went to that. ate dim sum after too but it was awk cause thien why did you show up. was done by 1 ish and i went to work at 2. it's really nice being able to drive.
  • 09 - it snowed!!!!!!!!!!!! got out a tiny bit early from work so everyone would be able to drive home. it was my first time driving home in the snow so i was averaging 10mph it was scary. but after we got out of work, i engaged a snowball fight and yeah it was fun. stuffed snow down dan's back :D also made snow angels with jovany and amy. nice night. got home early too and defrosted.
  • 10 - had a perf downtown. performed w/ henry while david took percussion -_- went for bubble tea after since everyone was too busy for lunch. dropped the equipment back at chua then i drove to renton to give tin a ride home and got lost on the way home, yeah. must've gotten home around 4 or 5 but can't remember what else i did. prolly nothing.
  • 11 - texted w/ david until 3am. looking at texts now to remember i did. this was a really chill week though. only worked 3 days. and this was not one of them.
  • 12 - work 2 - 10
  • 13 - dropped mom off at work then drove all the way down to ikea on a whim. ate breakfast there and then spent 5 hrs shopping ughhh. also 325 dollars. got home and started putting stuff together and cleaning yeah. got everything done 'cept the second bookcase and the reading corner is now there.
  • 14 - worked vday so it was like a normal day cept i said happy valentine's day to customers. yes.
  • 15 - picked ha up around 12, got gas and sausages then drove to chua for our last ld perf of the season. that ended around 3; went to anh bao's work place after that and had a small get together. basically ate sandwiches and looked at some pics. pretty boring actually. sat around with ha, giau, and hiep after before driving them down to international district. got starbucks; ha took the bus home and i sat around talking with giau and hiep for a bit before driving them home. went to david's after (around 8) to sleepover. we looked at some videos
  • 16 - but mostly just sat around talking until like 2 or 3. he ate around midnight too. lala, his dog, kept waking me up in the middle of the night because i didn't want to crush her so i was being pushed to the edge of the bed. woke up at 8 50 and got ready. had a field trip for chua to visit 2 other temples but spent like 90 mins cleaning first. good thing me and david were late. but field trip was boring too, as was the rest of the day. practiced percussion during ld practice then had to drive ha home and it was just a bad night.
  • 17 - went to work i guess. had bubble tea and popcorn chicken for dinner and got told that i won't be getting sundays off even though i changed my availability saying i'm not available sundays?? that brought my mood down and decided that i'll just call out all sundays i'm scheduled until i start getting them off.
  • 18 - my last day off for the week so i started cleaning at 9 30 and pretty much just cleaned all day. took a break around 2 for lunch and then yeah. things are starting to take shape. put together my second bookcase and sorted everything out. you wouldn't understand why it took 10 hours unless you saw the mess we had before.
  • 19 - stayed up until 3 sorting a ton of photos like taking them out of albums, or the ones that were still in the photo envelopes and putting them back in albums based on subject and time. woke up and sat around. wanted to watch cool kiz on the block so i almost called out to work; wanted to take my time eating and watching so i did. ended up only being 10 mins late even though i was really behind schedule, how? work was pretty good though. closed with best manager dan, tyler, kevin, and jon. best closing crew tbh.
  • 20 - work. had a slow day
  • 21 - another slow day and ugh told dan that i would call out the next day cause i couldn't take it.
  • 22 - so i called in at 8 and got megan. ended up taking the day off and doing random stuff. got some cleaning done and then went to a couple of stores like walmart and michael's.
  • 23 - went back in for work since it was only a 5 hr shift and yeah. drove down to seattle after for chua and lion dance practice. had some cake and classes. practice was shit though; we ended up doing percussion stuff again and anh bao was being a douche. went with ni and vinh to southcenter's sports authority so i could get some stuff for them but manager was being a jerk about it since ni handed me money at the register. ended up only getting my stuff. drove home around 8/8 30.
  • 24 - had the day off so went to sports authority in the morning; realized i forgot my wallet when i pulled into the parking lot and ended up having to go home to grab it. drove all the way back. also stopped by the downtown bellevue sports authority for the shin guards vinh needed. drove down to seattle after to drop all the stuff they wanted off bc i felt bad that they drove me to sc w/ them and couldn't get the stuff they wanted. so yeah. got home around 2 i guess.
  • 25 - another day off. kids came home then i took them to the clinic for their dentists appointments. stopped by office depot after, then grabbed dinner at denny's. went to the library after and printed off some reading logs for the reading corner i'm working on.
  • 26 - work
  • 27 - work
  • 28 - workkkkk
feb 2 2014 ∞
jul 1 2014 +