• 01 - went to art. i think i spend more time staring and stressing at my painting than i do painting. went home, watched stuff, picked up sisters. took a nap! told my parents about the poetry contest 'cause i woke up around 8? then watched high society into the night.
  • 02 - napped at 7 and woke up an hour later. had a seminar in eng that i was totally out of, ide remember what crap i said. went to art instead of going home. my dad picked me up at the school at noon to meet a client in redmond. picked up some library holds, ate, walked sisters home, watched movies. passed out a little before 7.
  • 03 - woke up at 5. skipped eng b/c we aren't really doing anything and as i'm typing this i realize i have a project due monday, fml. went to art and didn't really get much done except for some small details. came home and waited around for my ride; got to microsoft around noon and filled in as the monk for the first time, instead of being in the lion. it was really hot. posed for pics, then ate there. they provided us lunch and a free t-shirt. got dropped off at home, went to pick up sisters. then took the bus to bell square, ate yummy pretzels, and hung out at the art museum. went home and tried to watch kimi ni todoke with isabel but ended up falling asleep.
  • 04 - woke up at one, stayed up until 6, napped until 9. hung around until 2? dad came home just as we were leaving to take the bus so i drove us to crossroads. shopped at michael's for a long time, then went to joann's to look for a frame, which really took forever. there was a comedian putting on a show for kids so we watched that. it was funny, and got a free kids' book near the end. bought bubble tea, got two free comics from the comic book store, and picked up totoro from the library. went to qfc for snacks and dad picked us up close to 6. watched totoro and it is the cutest movie ever!!! mindy had so many happyfeels that she actually cried when they were making the acorns grow, omg. i really love it. uhm. been getting a lot of free stuff lately, it seems. also gave up on growing out my bangs and cut them today. i lasted what, almost a month? oh well.
  • 05 - stayed up all night, watching vids on yt (mostly seungho) and then took a shower at 6. ended up going to sleep at 7, and woke up two hours later. was going to go out for dim sum with the family but my stomach hurt so i laid around and fell asleep. woke up at 2. it was weird being home on a sunday and not doing anything. didn't bother with my eng project. did a quick run to walmart for new earphones and chapstick. also sat around for an hour folding cranes while raising infinite h's viewcounts because i was so bored. tam and lindsay ended up arriving pretty late b/c of traffic. they came while i was dying over 2pm's comeback mv and hung out in my room after sending the kids to sleep. did some cleaning.
  • 06 - it's 2am and the world is a terrible place to be. / had a sub in eng, and sat around whining at my painting in art. dad picked me up at noon to meet a client. watched running man when i got home and internet stuff before leaving at 7. bused to redmond to watch iron man w/ rebekah & she had two free movie ticket vouchers (more free stuff what is going on this month). it was super hot during the day but perfect at night. went to dq for ice cream but they were closed; ended up at mcd's. got attacked by alex there!! nice surprise but wow i am so socially awkward. we walked to a park but they didn't have lights on and we got scared, so we went back to the car and tried out my old elementary school but that was creepy as hell too. ended up sitting outside in a lit parking lot. it was really great. we talked until midnight while munching on fries.
  • 07 - rebekah drove me home. planning on skipping classes b/c i'm not ready to present my eng project. / stayed up really late and woke up at 1. it was great. barely got out of bed.
  • 08 - stayed up really late again and skipped art. woke up around 12 30. took a shower and got dressed to go out b/c tam's nagging. went to crossroads with the sisters at 3, and hung out there (more bubble tea) until 5 30. then went to ross. i got cute heels and another hat. we went home for a quick break after before going to a middle school and flying kites (with no wind) and playing tennis. got home around 8 30, and ordered two large pizzas for the family. also talked to david today.
  • 09 - stayed up 'til 7 and was late because i woke up at 9. got to school around 9 40, excused my absences. ended up having a sub in eng and didn't do much. went home and slept?? idk. i remember eating spring rolls but that's it.
  • 10 - uh was actually on time to class. we have a test on monday in eng, and turned in painting in art. gave up on adding a dock :\ got another canvas even though we're starting a new unit b/c i want to paint more. went home, slept at 3, woke up at 6. went to half priced books and some comics were on clearance for 10 cents so i got 11? and two books. went to eat froyo afterwards. got home and ate pho while watching totoro.
  • 11 - just going to throw this weekend onto lj b/c it got too long.
  • 12 - yes.
  • 13 - was going to wake up early to study but that didn't happen. took the test and started a new unit in art. perspective drawings + photoshop coloring fml. i hate photoshop. teacher also told me she wanted to put something of mine in the art show so i decided on the acrylic one because asking for my watercolor back after my mum already showed it off... yeah. came by 7th to try to get it done (after giving up on it just a couple days ago). sisters picked me up at school at 3 40, and we went to the library to print stuff out and get more movies. watched one when we got home. i think i took a nap.
  • 14 - mmm. class... have an essay coming up so doing stuff for that. finished the perspective drawing and worked on my painting more. had to retouch/edit it 4935 million times because i kept messing up the bridge. that's why i decided to give up in the first place; i can't do bridges?? after messing up again, i just set it aside and said "tomorrow." b/c of all my mess-ups, the color isn't as smooth transitioning as it originally was :\ went home around 1, ate at 2, picked up sisters with tam. ate again at cafe ori and then went shopping at ross. then nordstorm rack and target. picked up mcd's on the way home. we were out for like 6 hours. there were a lot of sales but me, tam, and isabel spent a combined 150 on clothes jeez. not so bad when thinking about all the stuff we got. i got a dress, a jacket, and 4 tops~
  • 15 - art!!! worked in photoshop, then went back with crubaugh to work on my painting. everything was being set up today so i had to get it done and i did. took over an hour, but i did it. there was something off about the bridge but what's done is done. noticed while posting the picture to instagram--there's a random dark spot above the end of the bridge where i must've been trying to fix a mess-up and it didn't get blended right and i didn't even see it when i was painting?? that's going to bug me forever. there's a huge difference between before the bridge and after the bridge though. will post pics sometime. got home feeling accomplished, ate, picked up sisters with tam. watched dream team, and passed out around 5, woke up at 7 30. 2pm's comeback stage tonight~
  • 16 - went to class, got back my test. got 100% and she used both of my analysis answers as examples of a well developed response. go me. went home and slept. woke up around 4 and went to factoria with the sisters to see my art work displayed. looked around tjmax, then went to eat pho. there was an episode where i had the window rolled down and a ton of pollen got in the car and so did a bee apparently because it got in my hair. tam saw it first and wanted to flick it off but does she not know that you're not supposed to irritate them. so i tried to jump out of the car twice but the car moved. finally did at a red light and just ran around to get it out. it was scary
  • 17 - classes. went home, ate, slept. read fic.
  • 18 - stayed up until 6. slept until 1!! went to chua at 6, home around 10? idk. my room's been a mess.
  • 19 - somehow woke up at 10 and pulled tam and isabel out of bed to go see star trek at factoria b/c tickets are only 6.50 before noon (spent $20 in total). grabbed food at qfc beforehand to eat in the theatre. the movie was good and there were ~tears~. came home, ate bun bo hue. stayed in bed all day wallowing in misery. started cleaning again at 9. yes.
  • 20 - slept at 3. was a zombie in class. came home and went out to eat dim sum with tam. went to xroads w/ sisters to return some dvds. got milk tea, went to joann's then michael's. finished up w/ half priced books. i bought stickers and a toy at joann's, 4 plain white tees for $3 at michael's and a set of woodless colored pencils for $5. the stuff at michael's was a lot more expensive (pencils org. $22) but they put stuff that is damaged or has damaged packaging on clearance and i got lucky since it was only ripped packaging~ also got two poetry books from hpb. since i paid for lunch, spent a little over $50 today. spent a lot of time watching 2pm's dance practice vid *_*
  • 21 - went to sleep at 7 and slept through my watch alarm because i've been using random things ever since i lost my phone. woke up at 9 to my mum's yelling but went back to sleep b/c i was late anyways and there's no point in going to half an eng class + art to work in photoshop. woke up again at 2 24... didn't really do anything? idr. i showered at night.
  • 22 - slept at 4 or 5. woke up w/ my sister's alarm. art. ate, took a 10 min nap before going w/ tam to pick up kids. went to mum's work after so tam could get her nails&toenails done. i painted mindy's nails and did bad nail art for her. ate at thai ginger w/ sisters+mum. dropped mum off, went to trader joe's, then ben franklin crafts. got home and ate seafood hotpot. really sleepy for some reason.
  • 23 - went to sleep at 6, wasn't even late to class. caught the bus around 11, and got to the hotel at noon, which was not late but not on time either. didn't print off my poem beforehand so ran around to get that done. the food was really yummy!! lobster mac and cheese and roasted chicken and side veggies. there was cheesecake for dessert but i was too full ;( uh, all the winners were girls and half of them didn't really eat, which i didn't get at all. we generally didn't talk to each other but i made friends with one of them and her mum b/c they told me about where i could print off my poem. finished eating, read my poem aloud, got a cd and hung around until 1 15. took a picture with rick smith before catching the bus home. stopped by at hpb since i had extra time, then picked my sisters up from school. tried to watch movies with them but ended up passing out halfway through hoodwinked.
  • 24 - slept at 4 ish. there was an assembly yet again when i thought i was late so sat around for like half an hour. fell asleep when i got home and missed picking up the kids. they sped home and we went to crossroads at 5 ish. returned a ton of dvds and bought a puzzle for isabel from hpb. went home to fly some kites but it ended up raining so that was a no go. found my wallet and phone though! feel silly for making such a big deal when it was under tam's car seat. slept at 10 wow.
  • 25 - woke up like 5 times while sleeping b/c i was hugging my laptop for music. =_= got up around noon? took the kids to the elementary school to play for a little and i can't remember what else, if anything.
  • 26 - didn't go out to eat dim sum w/ family because i wasn't hungry. they picked me up after to go to chua. was kind of in a bad mood but it got better. a lot of people were missing b/c memorial day weekend. played some hide and seek tag. had classes. got cake and ice cream. stayed behind at chua with giau, david, anh bao, and chi hanh. just stood around talking and playing catch with kids whose parents haven't come yet until 6. walked to david's house then to the nearby plaza thing. ate at venus; chipped in $13 while david paid $30. giau had no money since i invited her to hang out with us last minute. went back to david's house after. talked and played jenga (drew on giau's face b/c she lost keke) and had otter pops. walked back to the plaza at 10 45 so parents could pick me up (they went to my grandma's w/ sisters; kids slept over). gave giau and david a ride home so they wouldn't have to walk by themselves and ate a little when i got home.
  • 27 - woke up at noon ish. stayed home all day!! watched stuff and got the sketch for my self portrait on paper (mostly). gonna try out my ideas tmrrw and then start the final thing by wednesday. i want to finish the painting quickly this time so i can try to do another painting before the year is over. my essay, on the other hand, doesn't seem like it's going to go as smoothly and i have even less time for that fml. and i need to get birthday presents why. i ordered bravo viewtiful from a site i haven't used before. i hope it arrives safely :( still waiting on my dongwoo-esque ear cuff thing too. presents in june for nhi?
  • 28 - tuesday..... had a conference in eng that was awk. don't think i did much?
  • 29 - art class and idk, can't remember stuff. watched movies so must've went to crossroads after. and qfc. tam came home really late and gave me a hut... that was made in vietnam. a+
  • 30 - skipped english but dropped by art to work on my self portrait. went to eat pho with tam and the kids later. i think that's it? what happens when i don't update listo is that i forget everything.
  • 31 - didn't sleep, made rebekah's gift in the morning, went to classes. ate at home and didn't hang out w/ rebekah until 8 b/c i passed out after 4. got starbucks, went to the blueberry farm and saw baby ducks, picked up my coat from home, and then she drove us to fremont so we could go to gasworks park. great view there and we sat around talking. she read the list i gave to thien and said i should write a book w/ rejection lines. went for bubble tea around 11 and i was like lol i should invite david, just jokingly but somehow it happened? she really wanted to meet him since i've been mentioning him for like 4 years. we went back to gasworks and hung out in the parking lot while waiting for david. gave her the gift~ she thought her bday present was the batman birthday hero pin i gave her earlier and the list since she asked for it so it was a ~surprise~. felt good since she said it was the best thing she's gotten.
may 1 2013 ∞
jun 1 2013 +