• 08 - lion dance seminar / dinner at honey court
  • 09 - lion dance seminar / dinner at rainier bbq
  • 10 - lion dance seminar / dinner at crawfish king
  • 17 - said bye to the grandmasters when they stopped by during our lion dance practice.
  • 27 - weds. skipped classes and went to work and ended up staying until 11 20 trying to get things ready for doorbuster sales.
  • 28 - got the day off for thanksgiving but felt really bad for all the people that still had to work. skipped dim sum with the family and laid in bed until i had to go to grandma's for dinner. slept on the couch for two hours and work up to eat then went shopping for a little. the best buy by southcenter was crazy packed; got some stuff at michael's and dropped rosemary off with her friends at sc mall. left shortly after since it was so crowded and me and tam were like no.
  • 29 - worked in the morning (530) got off early so like 2ish then slept in the car when tam went shopping a bit with mum and the kids. got a ride down to seattle, spent time at qfc to buy ingredients for cream puffs then went to giau's place with lynda, giau, and vivian to make said cream puffs. it was a mess, but fun. left around 7; after tam got back from eating ramen with her friend. came home and tried to order my laptop online but couldn't so ended up going with tam to the best buy in bellevue and just picking one up. it actually turned out for the better.
  • 30 - went to work from 7 'til 2 ish, tam picked me up with the kids + jennifer. went ice skating with them until 4 30 ish. got dropped off at anh kha's for the party. won at scrabble and ate idk. ended the night with joking around with minh, vinh, and phillip. tam picked me at 10 ish. gave minh a ride to his brother's house then dropped jennifer back at home in kent.
  • 01 - tam dropped me off at work at 7am and went back to spokane around 9 idk. was supposed to be off at 2 but lingered around for 20 mins and said bye to ryan before catching the bus home. went to sleep around 3 10 and woke up at 6 34 and was miserable. watched shows, no homework or studying despite there being finals these next two weeks.
  • 02 - monday. lied to mum and skipped classes.
  • 03 - started work + met ryan on october 2nd, said bye to him 2 months and a day later. skipped classes again; got out of bed around 12 and then walked to the bus stop. it was freezing T_T wrote my card while waiting. got 3 pieces of cake for him (mocha, black forest, and napoleon) + almond stick cookies that cost like $18 in all wow. got to sports authority at like 2 05, finished up my card and he wasn't late for once?? of all days. he got a haircut too, and shaved. waited around for like half an hour since i kept waving people over to his cash register haha -_- i suck but yeah. i didn't really mind since it was the last time i'll see him, might as well soak it in in a non-creepy way. after he was done, i gave him the gift then got a hug and a picture and said bye. it felt kind of silly, talking to him for two minutes after waiting for half an hour and going through all that effort. but it felt good. on the bus ride home, the bus driver was really nice and one of the passengers talked to him and they said the secret to life is to be kind to everyone, and happy that you're here. and that he was that happy even though he had a bus driver job. i just felt very blessed.
  • 04 - was late to deviance so just went to the library to work on the final presentation with danielle and feny. went to class then home? i think mom gave me a lift after i grabbed a hot dog from 7/11.
  • 05 - actually made it to both my classes and was glad i did. had a review in deviance and i don't know if i'll even pass since i missed like half the assignments and we have an exam tmrrw but. take it as it goes? idk. did my final presentation for ces152 and it was Not Bad, i think i'll pass so w/e. have stuff due tmrrw but watched a movie after i got home and passed out in the living room and ate and then watched more stuff and now i'm going to go clean my room before i even think about studying.
  • 06 - stayed up until 4 to watch a movie so ended up getting 2 hours of sleep before i woke up to write my final paper for ces. studied for like 15 mins T_T for the soc exam and wow that sucked ass i will be lucky to get 50% on it. final class for ces provided my donut breakfast. talked with feny on the bus and then got to work early and napped on a chair and that hurt my neck like crazy. started my shift a little early at 2 30 instead of 3 and yeah. worked until 11 30 with tyler so that was pretty good. got ride home from mom and that was a suffocating car ride.
  • 07 - didn't sleep until 2 despite being tired? work again from 3 til 11:30 but more stressful since amy (head manager) will be closing too.
  • 08 - met up with a client in the morning then went home instead of chua even though i had the day off bc i was so tired. didn't go to ld practice either fuck. slept i guess.
  • 09 - stayed home all day since class was over and i asked for time off so i could study or some crap but yeah. that didn't happen.
  • 10 - repeat monday.
  • 11 - skipped my final soc 270 presentation bc i didn't finish the 10 journal entries (or any) and yeah. dad dropped me off at the tc, took the bus to crossroads and went shopping at michael's for a long time. went to work and hung out with brandon, davon, and victoria when they had their lunch breaks since i got there at 1 and shift didn't start until 3. got off at 11:30 and ughhh. tired and guilty.
  • 12 - work. tam came home one of these days and we gave nikola + his bike a ride home since it was so late.
  • 13 - work.
  • 14 - 3 - 1130 shift bleh.
  • 15 - worked at 6 am and straight to 2 17 without a break bc it was busy and i didn't realize time was going so quickly. tam picked me up after. went to get bubble tea and the spiciest popcorn chicken ever; me and tam were dying in the car. got to the temple and sat through the grad, which was boring. stayed for lion dance practice til 7 30 ish. got home and then went out to eat at stone korean house 'til 9 30. paid since tam is broke so now i'm broke too.
  • 16 - went shopping with tam for xmas gifts for all the kids mom has on her list. got home, killed time, wrapped stuff, and then went on another round at night to michael's and sports authority to finish up. spent like 300+ dollars ugh. bought gifts for myself too though.
  • 17 - slept at 8am ish, woke up at 3pm fun. went to ross and uwajimaya, came home, ate, ko'd on the couch and woke up to take family xmas photos to make holiday cards for mom and dad's clients. finally checked my grades for fall; got a B- in ces152 and failed my deviance class. idk what i expected. didn't meet the gpa requirement for my financial aid though so i'm really fucked and idk what i'm going to do.
  • 18 - idk did random stuff 'til i had to work at 3. met cole, this new dude who is not actually new; he's been working on and off since he goes to college in pullman. yeah. ate when i got home, bad nhi u_u
  • 19 - worked again. saw tyler for the first time in what felt like ages!!!! but was probably only 4 or 5 days, tops. need to stop eating after i get off work b/c eating at 12 = staying up until 3/4/5 ish.
  • 20 - work work work.
  • 21 - went to work and then edited the photos we took to make xmas cards for my dad's clients + misc people. watched some dream team and cool kiz?
  • 22 - slept at 2 or 3 and had to wake up at 5 for work ugh. tam picked me up and we went to walgreens. sat around while waiting for our xmas cards to print out then she drove me to ld practice. her + kids waited until it was over + took ha home. i slept in the car. got home, ate, hid in my room til i emerged to sign all 70 cards. felt like a celebrity. sealed a lot of envelopes.
  • 23 - slept around 2 30. set two alarms at 5 and 6 but decided not to take the bus; forgot to set the 8am alarm so i was an hour late to ld practice. played a lot of badminton during breaks. took the bus to the international district with ha and then slept for an hour on the bus bc traffic was so bad. ate, watched running man, then slept super early.
  • 24 - woke up at 2, and then every two hours after that before finally getting up at 7. was 10 minutes late to work and it was sooo busy the entire day with last minute shoppers. got off at 6 30; dad picked me up so we met up with the family at malay satay hut and had a 6 dish dinner. so full from that. been lying around since. sent out texts and talked to a few people. oh also saw ryan briefly since he came to buy something. he's in town for two days for xmas w/ family.
  • 25 - stayed up til 5 40 since i was trying to register for a class at 6. an online eng&101 class opened up at some point. set the alarm and the website lied and wasn't even up at the time. went back to sleep and tried again at 9 so yeah, i got it. just have to pay the $625 but idk. why is school so expensive? and there are 2 required books... i've never taken an online class before either. opened presents with the family; took a video of the whole mess like every year. went to eat dim sum after, and practiced driving with dad 'til 1 20 after after. ended up staying at home while family went to someone else's house for xmas party. took a 4 hour nap, cleaned the wrapping paper up then ate, watched stuff. everyone got home while i was in the shower around 8. watched movies.
  • 26 - edward scissorhands was so usdighkfg i don't even. finally watching the movies that were on my list for years (like fight club and v for vendetta) now makes me think of how there's a time for everything. woke up and drove to sports authority to pick up some stuff. got 7 water bottles for lion dance crew, a yoda light up keychain for anh bao, some badminton + back brace for ha, and grey slippers for isabel's bday in addition to the book i got her. ha came running in right when i was about to leave and it was like fate??? seriously. gave her a ride to practice with me and my dad. practice got out early at 3 but we didn't actually practice a lot... lots of badminton playing and eating and sitting around. took the bus home. david gave me this really handsome looking batman bank thing for xmas and we texted and long story but he actually texted me before but i didn't know it was him. yeah.
  • 27 - forgot what time my shift was already. closing? not bad? but not great either idk. i'm just so tired of work.
  • 28 - woke up early bleh. went to work and ended up staying an hour later since tori and audrey called out so rescheduled my dinner date with alex to tomorrow night. got out at 6, went to old navy and shopped for like an hour; they had crazy sales. spent $40 on two sweaters, 6 scarves, 2 throw blankets, and a ninja turtle lunchbox for tam. stopped by at half priced books after and got a couple of things before taking the bus to rtc and having tam pick me up. went to transfer some money and got some food from safeway. went home, ate, laid around. paid for my online eng class. $700 gone in a day T_T
  • 29 - went to work at 8 and alex cancelled so ended up waiting around at work for half an hour before catching the bus home. picked up some movies too so watched one w/ mindy.
  • 30 - slept at like 3 or 4 but woke up at 7 to take the bus at 7 20 (ended up catching a 7 40 one) to the pagoda for lion dance practice. slept for like 40 minutes there and was tired and sick the entire time but. practice ended at 4 and went with giau and ha to eat at crawfish king. spent $45 there, followed by an hour and $20 at daiso, followed by $5 at oasis, free desserts from trang, and more food from uwajimaya. didn't say bye 'til 9 20, and was home at 10. long day though. my new year's resolution is going to be to learn how to knit or something so i have the sticks but no yarn. giau said she will teach me.
  • 31 - sick sick sick, got a nose bleed but went in to work anyways since there was no one to fill in for me. it was pretty crappy. bad way to end the year. tam picked me up with chai tea though and i ate. been lying around ever since, trying to watch cool kiz but the internet is iffy so i'm updating my lists.
dec 2 2013 ∞
jan 3 2014 +