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this list was originally made by @xiaohuist on twitter, but is now ran by @‪pasteInight‬. if you find any problem within this guide please alert her on twitter instead. note that if something doesn't have a link, then it's not yet out. (last updated on 06/26/18)

listography NEW NEWS

The SNH48 Senbatsu Election (also known as SNH48 Senbatsu Sousenkyo) is an annual event where fans can vote for their favorite SNH48, BEJ48, GNZ48, SHY48, and CKG48 members, akin to a popularity contest. The members who receive the most votes are announced on the day of the election, but votes are submitted beforehand. Currently, the members who have the most votes are then grouped into: Top Girls (#1~#16), Undergirls (#17~#32), Next Girls (#33~#48) and Future Girls (#49~#66th). Each of these four groups releases their own song and music video for the following EP (single). The winner of the Senbatsu Election (whoever ranks at #1) receives their own single, music video, and other special promotions. They also get to center SNH48's next single. Check out FILMOGRAPHY to watch these elections. The first half is a concert, the last hour are when the results are announced.

jan 5 2018 ∞
jan 11 2018 +