- art
- make belts for friends
- print art show photos for: georgia, brian, jesse, dallas
- take more photos (of people)- figure out long exposure on canon
- read photography coffee table books at bookpeople
- write a poem
- finish my quilt
- draw
- growth
- practice and learn more Chinese (take classes?) - meetup
- learn Swedish, Spanish...
- learn web design to customize my posterous not so interested
- volunteer at a community garden
- research austin lots and affordable and green DIY house kits: shelter-kit, reclaimed space, leed cabins
- go to boot camp 3x a week
- outside
- go on a S240 bike camping trip - late April
- disc golf austin area tour - in progress: bartholomew, circle c, pease park, mary searight, brushy creek, the met center
- go zip-lining in the hillcountry
- learn how to shoot a gun
- go on a 20+ mile bike ride
- go on a 30+ mile bike ride
- bike commute to work
- b bike commute to work
- canoe trip
- hunting trip w/ tim or ricky
- bike tour in allegheny pass
- finances
- file taxes
- change to fee-free online banking in march
- have a growing emergency fund - in progress
- emergency fund > deductibles, pet fund
- budget for b's electronic upgrades
- direct deposit into IRA's
- pay back andrew and oliver
- homelife
- get creative with preparing greens - salad and cashew tamari dressing!
- move away from frozen processed lunch foods / revisit cooking
- get an "eco" nonstick pan - cast iron
- get wool dryer balls
- make my own detergent
- install microsoft office on the mba
- save up for
- trip to visit the cuz in nyc
- marfa retreat
- a panasonic dmc-gf2
- touring bike?
jun 28 2010 ∞
oct 19 2011 +