[i spend most of my time watching youtube LOL]


-cow chop (and previous members)




[i love podcasts in general, informational or not, but my absolute favorites are]

-the adventure zone - mbmbam

-class of 198x

- various npr made podcasts

[im a HUGE fan of video games, most importantly]

tomb raider (2013 to present)


left for dead


mortal kombat (9 to present)

plants vs zombies (garden warfare)

[i watch a variety of anime so just dm about one and im probably either watching it/plan to/finished it (consult kinlist as well).]


greek, roman and norse mythology

creative writing

spanish (im learning rn at a beginner level but plan to become fluent!)


politics (i dont talk about much/at all, but i am, left leaning)

mar 5 2018 ∞
jul 18 2019 +