hi i struggle from anxiety and i just want to share tips to help you if you do as well

-be active, the more you are the less you'll think about things that cause you to feel the way you do

-journal your thoughts(putting it on paper can reduce anxious feelings)

-practice breathing exercises(download the app "calm"

-listen to music that will calm you down


-find something that interests you such as art,makeup,singing, ect

-use lots of lavender like with candles,bubble baths, and on pillows too

-FILL IN A COLORING BOOK this one helps me so much(down load the app "color"

-write about all the beautiful things in life

-talk to a friend (you can talk to me slide thru dms hehe)

-remember worrying wont help give yourself permission to stop also the situation youre stressing over is just a scenario, mind over matter

aug 2 2017 ∞
dec 9 2017 +