(as of February 2020)
。o°✥✤✣ ✣✤✥°o。
- rank: 128
- main classes: nighthound, doctor
- main elements: fire, earth
- star chara: korwa
- fav charas: korwa, albert, kumbhira, athena
to do lists
- eternals: seox, fif, tweyen
- evokers: l*belia
- classes: rising force, glorybringer, elysian
- atma: water staff
- seraphics: harp of the teachers + scythe of belial ssr upgrades
- ccw (low priority): psycho syringe
personal achievements/milestones
- pre hl No Bounty No Life
- xeno weapons list:
- last sahrivar
- emberfire longblade
- true phantom demon blade
- flamma orbis
- able to solo all omega raids
spark/wish list
- fire: none
- water: macula marius, pholia, vajra
- wind: summer korwa
- earth: summer rosetta, earth de la fille
- light: none
- dark: summer zooey, dark eustace, valentines clarisse, summer anthuria
。o°✥✤✣ ✣✤✥°o。
jun 11 2019 ∞
feb 9 2020 +