Prezi Powerpoint on steroids

Scratch Design a game

Delicious Social bookmarking

Art Babble Share videos

Google Art Project Visit museum galleries

Jing Screen capture presentations

Fontstruct Build your own font

Artsteps Curate you own museum

Digication E-portfolio

Blabberize Make a picture talk

Wordle Word clouds

SketchUp 3D virtual models

Sketchcast Online whiteboard

Audacity Audio recorder

Wix Build a free flash website

Creative Commons Free to share

LuLu Self-publish

TED 20 minute videos worth sharing

Artpad Online drawing site

ArtSTOR High resolution art images

BlipFM Streaming music

Glogster Online multimedia poster design

Vimeo Video sharing

Art 21 PBS series on contemporary artists

Deviant Art Social network and art sharing

Lost at E Minor Everything art blog

Apartment Therapy Interior Design Paint with your mouse

jan 5 2013 ∞
jan 11 2013 +