- PSYC 110 - general psychology
- PSYC 210 - biological basis of behavior
- PSYC 220 - behavior and experience: humanistic psychology
- PSYC 295 - research analysis
- PSYC 300 - child psychology
- PSYC 310 - learning and thinking
- PSYC 320 - motivation
- PSYC 330 - abnormal psychology
- PSYC 360 - social psychology
- PSYC 370 - ethology and sociobiology
- PSYC 382 - contemporary topics in psychology
- PSYC 395 - methods of research
- PSYC 400 - cognitive psychology: language and symbolic processes
- PSYC 410 - sensory processes and perception
- PSYC 415 - psychology of religion
- PSYC 420 - history and systems of psychology
- PSYC 432 - childhood psychopathologies
- PSYC 433 - theories of counseling psychology
- PSYC 434 - psychology of gender
- PSYC 435 - multicultural psychology
- PSYC 436 - positive psychology
- PSYC 461 - physiological psychology
- PSYC 464 - drugs and behavior
- PSYC 470 - theories of personality
- PSYC 475 - adolescent development
- PSYC 480 - theories of learning
jul 2 2013 ∞
jul 2 2013 +