⭐️ i am mentally ill and will sometimes post depressive or self hating stuff. i try to delete it but sometimes i forget

⭐️ im very bad at taking contact to people but if you wanna talk to me feel free! i like making friends, im just bad at it

⭐️ i would really appreciate it if you tell me if i say something bad/harmful bc i will most likely not figure it out on my own. please tell me so i can change it


⭐️ youre racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist .... needs no explanation

⭐️ youre against 'political correctness'

⭐️ you like incest, minor/adult ships, abusive ships

⭐️ youre against otherkin/fickin. even though im not kin myself the concept is very comforting to me

dec 28 2016 ∞
dec 28 2016 +