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34/ Parks: Søndermarken and Frederiksberg Have, beautiful for walking, reading or picnics
35/ Storm P. Museet: Osamu Tezuka exhibition; Art Copenhagen: art fair at the Forum; Flea-market in Frederiksberg
36/ Flea-Market at Studenterhuset: fantastic clothes mainly from female students
37/ Enjoying the sun at outside cafes, Kimia, Blagardsgade, Norrebro; Relaxing in Universitetshaverne på Frederiksberg: plants have name labels
38/ The wonderful Tivoli: fun fair and free concerts/shows
39/ Freistadt Christiania; Friday Geobar: cheapest beer in town
40/ Det Kongelige Teater: Opera Otello; A-vej Fredags Bar: Happy Hour from 18-19
41/ Kulturnatten 2013: Backstage Opera, The masting crane, the submarine Sælen, Botanical Gardens
42/ Mentor weekend to Visby
43/ studying
44/ Nationalmuseet : Viking exhibition
46/ Spaziergang um Damhussøen
47/ Geoparty für Masterstudenten
48/ Julefrokosten from ISSC mit Wichteln: Kerze, Ball und Papier