language puns

  • what did the confused egg say? "i don't andaastand."
  • don’t be sad because sad spelled backwards is das und das ist nicht gut
  • what did the dog say to the wall? wolwol

pop culture

  • one time i got a fish and my dad made me name it james pond
  • do you think hannibal uses pepper spray when he attacks people so they’re pre-seasoned
  • what’s whitney houston’s favorite type of coordination? HAAAAAAAAAND EYEEEEEEEEEE


  • i think i lost an electrion i better keep an ion that
  • astronomers got tired after watching the moon go around the earth for 24 hours so they decided to call it a day
  • two red blood cells met and fell in love, but it was all in vein.
  • they told me i had type a blood, but it was a type o.


  • on my tombstone please write “Not appreciating my puns when I was alive was a grave mistake”
  • An AU set in a gold mine in Australia. An Au Au AU.
  • people on the internet are so great… we all just seem to click
  • did you hear about the guy who sent in ten puns to a joke contest in the hopes that one would win, but no pun in ten did.
  • energizer bunny arrested. charged with battery.
  • broken pencils are pointless.

and this stupid joke, just because

  • knock knock. who's there? urine. urine who? urine secure. don't know what for.
mar 2 2017 ∞
mar 6 2017 +