First Semester- this was a hard time for me. What I experienced was radically different from the expectations I got from Orientation and Welcome Week. I found myself alone almost everyday and had several days where I wouldn't say anything to another person. None of the friendships I made during Orientation lasted, as I hardly saw them. The one close friend I already had was making new friends all the time and I didn't bond with any of them. I felt much more attached and appreciative towards my work days. I didn't stay on campus or go to events. Thankfully, this uncomfortable semester was also the time where I met my first real college friend, and from then on I felt a lot better. Overall it wasn't the most positive experience, but it's supposed to be hard. It's totally different. Onto the classes, then...

  • Interpersonal Communication
    • The nicest professor ever and a pretty easy and informative class. Didn't really interact with anyone much.
  • Intermediate Algebra
    • Overall, the most time-consuming and stressful class of the semester. Professor must've liked me/graded me more on effort and overall performance because I nearly failed the final and ended up with an A. Began a would-be friendship that went nowhere.
  • Intro to Creative Process
    • By far my favorite class of the semester. Amazing professor and my favorite subject. Had the opportunity to strengthen a friendship here and it didn't happen.
  • Writing Seminar
    • I owe my closest college friendship to this class. By itself it was boring and annoying, though I do like the professor, but in other aspects, it may be the most important and formative class I took.
  • History and Appreciation of Music
    • Pretty boring, but not too hard. Professor was brutally honest and funny. I had two people to talk to but didn't become close with. Almost missed the final. Didn't hand in a required essay and still got a B+.
  • Great Ideas in Mathematics
    • Probably the most interesting math class to take, fairly easy and it was all Simpsons based. The professor was a nerdy guy and I had Kelly and Melinda with me,
  • Art History
    • The professor was really funny and informative, and it was in the new performing arts building. The tests were hard but I got the hang of them, and the final was easy.
  • Sociology
    • Professor was a happy old feminist lady, but the class was insanely boring. The reading/quizzes/tests were pretty easy and so were the assignments- I did most of the big project in one night.
  • Psychology
    • "It's Thursday! No!" Professor was nice but a little bit too involved/rigid with her plans, the group project was a pain and the people in the class were insane. Thank God I had Kelly with me.
  • Playwriting
    • Obviously my favorite class, with Aunt Louisa, sweetest woman alive. It was challenging but rewarding to write and hear our plays out loud and it was fun to read parts in other people's plays. The one-act play was really, really hard to write but it all turned out just fine.
jan 27 2015 ∞
jan 9 2017 +