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I used to fill notebooks with lists of things: phobias, -ologies, etc. So glad the internet has rekindled the hobby.

listography NEW NEWS
  • yarn shop
  • bakery/deli
  • book store
  • arcade
  • gym
  • old timey movie theater
jun 4 2011 ∞
jun 4 2011 +

Because it matches my world-view and goals in life:

  • Joe Vs. the Volcano

Because it cheers me up no matter what:

  • Singin' in the Rain
  • Shooting Fish

Because romantic relationships don't have to be sugary sweet but do need quotable lines:

  • The Thin Man
  • His Girl Friday
  • Moonstruck
  • The Philadelphia Story

Because it combines two of my favorite things:

  • Muppet Treasure Island

Because it combines at least three of my favorite things:

mar 11 2011 ∞
mar 11 2011 +
  • Your Big Backyard
  • Highlights
  • Ranger Rick
  • TIME
  • Bon Appetit
  • Cooking Light
  • National Geographic Traveler
  • Conde Nast Traveler
  • Midwest Living
  • TV Guide
  • Hallmark Magazine
  • Intermezzo
  • Mental Floss
  • Entertainment Weekly
  • Family Circle
  • TCM Now Playing
  • Food Network Magazine
  • PieceWork
  • Dell Variety Puzzles
mar 11 2011 ∞
mar 19 2011 +
  • why does this same zit keep coming back? it's like a time traveller
  • what ever happened to the island I was supposed to be living on by now?
  • why do we feel the need to belong simultaneously with the need to be unique?
  • why do I tend to engage in self-destructive habits?
  • why do people think they have to be drunk to dance? Is there something wrong with me because I will dance in public with little provocation and no alcohol involved.
  • why do people seem content to do things even when they have no idea why they are doing them?
  • why do we all continue to do things we all agree suck? What would happen if we all decided to stop doing to work 8-5 5 days a week and wearing ties? I don't wear ties, but other people do, but I don't th...
mar 11 2011 ∞
jun 4 2011 +
  • Alexander, Lloyd
  • Butcher, Jim
  • Chandler, Raymond
  • Dunnett, Dorothy
  • Eager, Edward
  • Furlong, Monica
  • Godwin, Parke
  • Helprin, Mark
  • Ishiguro, Kazuo
  • Johnson, Maureen
  • Kaye, M.M.
  • Latham, Jean Lee
  • McKillip,Patricia
  • Nordhoff, Charles
  • O'Brien, Patrick
  • Pullman, Philip
  • Queen, Ellery
  • Reichs, Kathy
  • Stabenow, Dana
  • Thurber, James
  • U
mar 11 2011 ∞
mar 19 2011 +
  • The power of revolution lies not in the extreme demands of its leaders, but in that small portion of moderate demands unsatisfied at the right time Otto von Bismarck
  • I know that I am simply dying of the wrong life E.L. Doctorow
  • I have not believed in where I am for a long time E.L. Doctorow
  • It seems that in the advanced stages of stupidity, a lack of ideas is compensated for by an excess of ideologies Carlos Ruiz Zafon
jul 22 2011 ∞
aug 20 2011 +
  • Keep true to the dreams of thy youth.
  • It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.
  • Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain.
apr 14 2011 ∞
apr 14 2011 +
  • Making this list
  • Looking at TV schedules on the net
  • Eating candy
  • Searching for recipes
  • Questioning reality
mar 13 2011 ∞
mar 13 2011 +