- i really don't wanna do my goddamn lab right now
- i very well might not
- i'm stressed about my skinsparty plan tomorrow
- text papa during H and tell him to pick me up please
- nysc with elvis
- tell dad i'm spending the night at tara's.
- shower. get dressed
- amerappar dress belted + tights + combat boots
- "walk to tara's" (go with tara to train)
- go to st marks and get fake ID
- find party
- attend party
- end at 5... get home at like 7? fucking hell.
- i eat like a fucking horse what the fuck
- my stomach hurts
- i really want to read my book instead of do my lab.
- maybe i'll just hand it in on monday. whatever. hopefully i'll be outta here anyway.
- tomorrow is day three.
- 2D
- experience group
- cor
- english
- gym test
- lunch
- chem for the hour FUCKMYLIFE
- spanish EW SHOOT ME
- global
- i have to go to the bathroom
- i have a lot of thoughts on my mind
- i miss claire
- she and i need to switch back iPods eventually/ i have to give her gilmore girls seasons 3-4 and get back 2.
- i like the new music i got
- i still really have to go to the bathroom...
- i'm back.
- i've adapted the word wank as like an actual word. twat too.
- during new years, i said "he was like actually wanking in front of her" and then i felt weird because i realized that americans dont usually say stuff like that
- whatever.
- so many fucking pimples on my face
- where the fuck is my concealer
- what the fuck is this shit mother has left on my desk
- kevyn aucoin
- you have not spelled your name properly, sir kevyn. and your concealer is thick as spoiled milk, asshole.
- fuck labs.
- where's my goddamn day planner
- i enjoy this
- listing my thoughts as they pass through my head
- ugh i love harry potter
- why do i have no time to read
- what the fuck it's 11 o'clock
- ugh why did i have that bagel
- fucking 400calories in one serving
- yucksauce
- no more bagels. nasty ass shit.
- i want to do a photoshoot with someone
- alexis cotton!
- when i go back to frank sinatra
- ... because i fucking will ...
- i'll get her to model for me.
- and like kyle farmery or someone
- i need models
- and scenery
- and time.
- perhaps i'll quit rownewyork
- except not because i have no balls
- which is also the reason i've yet to kill myself.
- i swear to god, if i don't get back into frank sinatra i think suicide might legitimately be an option
- i think i need help
- but then again, not really.
- just a drink.
- or four.
- one tequila two tequila three tequila floor.
- elvis puked from tequila the other night LOLOL
- loser
- ugh why is he so fucking skinny
- asshole.
- i'm out.
- my life sucks.
- ugh what the fuck should i do with my life.
- i need perfume.
- and vinyl letters for art
- and those drop dead rings
- the end
- that was long as fuck
- goodnight
jan 13 2011 ∞
jan 21 2011 +