- i don't
- just kidding
- i love her because of her beautiful long eyelashes (and the magical powers of mascara)
- and her boobies
- and her freckles and that spot under her laugh lines
- and her fancy clothes that are all like gray but awesome
- and her blonde something going on in her hair
- and that i'm gonna write her a peer rec
- and that she's favoolous
- and only 5 days older than me
- and that she takes drivahz ed wit meh
- and we iz gud drivahz
- ye dawg
- bitch
- mothafuqa
- us history
- bitches and hoees
- ap calc
- senor colon
- yeee yeee yeee
- smahty pantz
feb 13 2012 ∞
feb 13 2012 +