- okay
- so,
- well,
- fuck.
- life sucks right now
- but life changes are going to start
- i'm gonna start losing weight
- a pound a week, yeah?
- fuck that's gonna take forever.
- thirty weeks.
- thirty pounds.
- and maybe more
- but it'll all be healthy
- and
- i'm gonna fucking get my ass back into frank sinatra
- no matter what the fuck it takes
- because i need to
- and i'm not giving up hope on that
- and also
- i'm going to a psychiatrist
- i'm not crazy
- i'm not disordered
- i don't "need help"
- it's just for someone to talk to
- so fuck you if you have a problem with that
- things will get better
- things will get better
- things will get better
- things will get better
- things will get better
- things will get better
- things better get better.
jan 21 2011 ∞
jan 21 2011 +