- practice erryday
- go to the gym with elvis at least once
- learn olympic lifts
- hang out with paul/justin/alessandro
- passover with anna when she gets back
- get computer fucking fixed what the fuck apple
- edit some slideshowz
- buy filters for lenses
- buy new lens caps (multiple plz)
- hood for telephoto
- buy 2 camera cases
- go shawpping
- pretend you have friends... LAWL
- erm 365 trolol
- get final cut pro from jamie again
- teh homeworkz
- read part one of 1984
- finish the brief wondrous life of oscar wao
- start the amazing advenutres of kavalier and clay (lol those two books have the same sort of titles)
- don't eat like a fucking pig haha
- download deathly hallows
- fucking shelves bro
- clean the bed chambers
apr 16 2011 ∞
may 2 2011 +