- jump off the pier.
- find a boy.
- sail fast.
- row strong.
- read. a lot.
- practice.
- party hard.
- catch fireflies.
- be skinny.
- wear pretty dresses.
- wear nice shoes.
- take my friends sailing.
- learn something new.
- make clothes.
- take pictures.
- make a scrapbook.
- have a picnic.
- write a letter.
- make dinner.
- bake cookies.
- start drawing more.
- make a journal of everyday.
- go to the zoo.
- make a fort.
- make a time capsule.
- roast marshmallows.
- dance in the rain.
- have a watergun fight.
- take a walk in a storm.
jun 18 2010 ∞
dec 23 2012 +