linctavia is love, linctavia is life.

  • 1x05
    • lincoln first appearence
  • 1x06
    • lincoln saves octavia
    • first meeting at the caves
  • 1x07
    • lincoln getting tortured, octavia shouting at bellamy for it
    • "he won't let me die"
    • octavia cleaning and healing lincoln's wounds
    • lincoln says something for the first time; "thank you"
  • 1x08
    • lincoln tied up, looking so hurt
    • octavia brings lincoln water
    • she cleans lincoln aaaaaah, they introduce themselves
    • "you're not gonna die. don't say that"
    • octavia gaves miller some nuts so he goes crazy and lincoln knows it
    • octavia saves lincoln
  • 1x09
    • lincoln leaves flowers on the ground so octavia can find him
    • they kiss, they everything they AAAAAAH!!
    • sex sex sex yes
    • finn talks with lincoln and octavia, "bring me peace"
    • talking treats, linctavia is there
    • lincoln gets hit by an arrow
  • 1x10
    • octavia looks for lincoln for some remedy
    • "clarke sent me here out for the cure"
    • "i'm not surprised you're one of the strongest"
    • another kiss
    • octavia comes back with lincoln so they can leave
    • "im not going with you"
    • octavia gives lincoln his book back
    • "you just said it. they're my people"
    • "good bye, lincoln"
  • 1x12
    • lincoln appears again, he is sent to kill clarke at anya's camp
    • lincoln saves finn and clarke, "now we run!"
    • "i've fought battles with worse wounds than this" lincoln gets hit again
    • "what my people is doing to yours, is wrong" gets burnt
    • "just get octavia out of there"
  • 1x13
    • lincoln meets finn when he looks for medicine
    • lincoln helps octavia to heal
    • "this fight is over to you"
  • 2x01
    • lincoln teaches octavia how to speak in grounder
    • "i'm octavia of the sky people"
    • lincoln heals octavia's leg "no warning is better"
    • lincoln goes to find for antidote to give to octavia
    • octavia screams and lincoln goes back for her
    • lincoln carries octavia on his back
    • "lincoln, i'm scared"
    • lincoln brought octavia to his village, "stay alive"
    • octavia suffering at the end of the chap
  • 2x02
    • octavia meets nyko for the first time, she asks for lincoln
    • octavia keeps asking about lincoln, nyko tells her he is his friend
    • octavia waits for lincoln at the meeting point
    • lincoln looks so hurt, reapers watch out
  • 2x03
    • octavia asks if she can help the grounders to save lincoln
    • she runs for her life
    • octavia keeps tracking the grounder in order to find lincoln
    • octavia saves indra, "where is lincoln?"
    • "we'll let you live" ; "lincoln was a good man"
    • lincoln is not dead, he appears at the end of the chap
  • 2x04
    • "he's gone", almost at the end of the chap
  • 2x05
    • lincoln shirtless on that chair at mount weather
    • "and lincoln"
    • lincoln back at mount weather, shirtless
    • octavia cries because she couldn't save him
    • lincoln again just after that, he fights for a dose
  • 2x06
    • octavia finds lincoln eating human meat at the parking
    • "he's a reaper?"
    • lincoln gets chocked by bellamy, octavia was the bait
  • 2x07
    • clarke goes to the dropship to see what lincoln has become
    • octavia is there waiting, lincoln is still a reaper
    • back at lincoln, he's mad af
    • "what happened to his leg?" "i shot him" (octavia)
    • lincoln growling so bad i cry, octavia has to knock him down
    • octavia giving lincoln some water ayyy
    • "you can't protect me from this one, big brother"
    • octavia sees lincoln's flower, nyko is there
    • lincoln "dies", clarke saves him
    • back at 'let's save lincoln pls thanks' after clarke's offer
    • octavia cries because lincoln is gone :(
    • lincoln is back, he whispers "octavia"
  • 2x08
    • lincoln at the bed inside jaha's camp talking with the gurls
    • peace peace? idk man, octavia is there obvs
    • basically the chapter goes at the same way as before
    • lincoln in bed, talking with them, octavia there asking things
  • 2x09
    • octavia and lincoln talking together in the camp
    • "natrona", octavia says
    • "traitor" lincoln replies
    • "you're not a monster"
    • they kiss because they are so in love and i love that
    • to indra "let me speak for them"; "you are them"
    • back at the room, lincoln and octavia talks about stuff with them
    • "lincoln talk to them. these are your people."
    • lincoln and octavia at the fire hood
    • lincoln wanna help bellamy go through the tunnels, octavia doesn't want him to go there again
jun 11 2016 ∞
jun 15 2016 +