Seine / Female

  • English/日本語OK!
  • Hobbies: Drawing, gaming, translating
  • I'm super passionate about the DS trilogy (Tempest, Innocence and Hearts)
  • Spada Belforma is the love of my life

Other general notes about me!

  • My favorite things in anything ever are Tales of Hearts, Fruits Basket and Higurashi. Character-wise, it's Hisui Hearts, Spada Belforma, and Shion Sonozaki.
  • The things I talk about change depending on what I'm currently into, but my primary interests are Hearts and Legendia.
  • I adore reading and language in general. I'm hoping to take a course in linguistics in the coming years and polish my translation skills.
  • I'm a manga>>>>>>>>anime person. I generally get cranky when it comes to original versions of things vs. their adaptations/remakes/etc. (Hearts DS vs. Hearts R being one of my favorite things to discuss. pleaseplaydshearts)
  • "Romance is overrated" is probably the response you'd get from me if you asked what sexuality I am.

Generally speaking, I'm really bad at following back. I love making friends, but I've found that following too many people stresses me out a lot. Please don't take me talking to you but not following back personally ;;

jul 10 2016 ∞
sep 11 2018 +