+practically anything from here +old mainly-online things list here
- skyrim
- assassin's creed: revelations
- home
- a poster
- postcards
- pretty (preferably lined) stationary
- a polaroid of anything
- decorative storage boxes
- a flask
- knock knock sticky notes
- voila lighter
- cute magnets
- rainbow light
- dvds/blu rays
- skins vol. 1-3
- the unusuals (tv series)
- charlie bartlett
- cds
- books
- etc.
- gift cards
- sephora
- barnes & noble
- jamba juice
- borders
- cinemark
- lush
- food
- thrifty's birthday cake ice cream
- a bag of starbursts (not the tropical kind)
- a bag of JUST chocolate jelly beans
- a bag of JUST marshmallow jelly beans
- mrs. fields mini cookies
- biscoff
other, general things i like/need/would appreciate:
- journals
- a pencil case
- tea
- sunglasses
- dollhouses
- useless toys
- nail polish
- toys for my dog (really)