Angel's Lotto wishList - we gotta win w/ this pool!!

The practical and impractical:

  • Quit my job - DUH!
  • Take my friends and family on a crazy vacation (disneyland? Jk). I will only pay flight and accommodations. HA
  • Give money to my mom and dad so they can retire and buy homes in CA, NY and Thailand and afford a housekeeper!
  • Give money to my bro
  • Buy a home in NY and SF (and somewhere around the world – maybe Barcelona) and they will be decorated BEAUTIFULLY to my taste
  • Buy a yacht
  • Pay off all my debt, loans and credit card
  • Buy a concert venue and fly crazy people from around the world to perform
  • wear a fat gold chain with diamonds on it while taking bubble baths every Saturday
  • drink champagne with every meal
  • Travel everywhere– duh
  • Eat out once a day at yummy places
  • get lipo! Haha
  • Hire a personal stylist and shop A LOT w/ Alexis
  • Buy a scooter
  • Buy a new bike or bikes
  • Take language, photography, writing, graphic design, interior design and drawing classes for the rest of my life!
  • Hire a chef to teach me how to develop my cooking skills
mar 19 2009 ∞
mar 19 2009 +