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If the item has been bolded, that means it was accomplished!

  • in London, England while it's raining
  • in Paris, France during fashion week
  • in Italy near a river, eating gelato
  • in Russia during the winter and/or spring
  • in New York City, New York at Christmas/New Year's
  • in a library while it's raining
  • in a tree house with that special someone
  • standing in a rain storm
  • laying beneath a lit Christmas tree
  • in a castle in the English countryside
  • in the park on a quilt under an oak tree
  • in a house on a cliff overlooking the ocean
  • sitting on top of a piano while someone else played it
  • in a field full of sunflowers that come up to at least my waist
  • standing on the edge of a cliff with a soft breeze blowing my hair around
  • in a hot air balloon over a field
  • lying on a hammock in Hawaii
  • in a library located in an old house on a cliff that overlooks the sea
  • in Alaska in an cabin near a lake while it's snowing
  • in Africa doing something good for the people there
  • on an ice rink while it's snowing
  • in New York for a year, writing and enjoying life
jul 2 2008 ∞
sep 2 2008 +