• (World of Warcraft, pre-WotLK) during a Kara guild run, people are discussing the ol' "trick someone into typing /gquit to quit their guild" gag on Vent. I assert this no longer works due to there now being a confirmation box. six seconds later, someone in the raid has left the guild! after a good laugh, they invited him back in, but did forget to repromote him until the next day.
  • MSPA forums do a brief 404 as they are wont to do, though not caused by an update. someone makes a note of this, so I kindly inform them that the comic has updated - the prompt link is merely in white text as the update concerns Lord English. "I can't believe I fell for that." To be fair, I tried it myself first, just in case.
jul 25 2010 ∞
jul 21 2011 +