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heyo i am squawk
also known to be the nyobo (cool)

i'll randomly post stuff on here every now and then
just kinda trying this thing out


Some days, I ask: Is there a reason I was never as good as I "used to be?"

Could it be that I need an excuse to dismiss how much I have fallen behind? To that end, why should I try to justify being incapable?

Nobody can define my capabilities. The only person who should limit me is myself, and that is really only with the intention of improving my mind.

At its core, I feel cursed with intermittent reinforcement. To tell myself that I will be rewarded if I wait long enough. That within every ounce of suffering, I shall then be compensated. Chained, like a dog, to the post of eventual happiness.

I must be willing to lose everything, so that I can gain the willpower to do anything.

The necessary internal strength and courage comes nearly out of nowhere. In every moment of breaking free, I cannot explain...

apr 27 2024 ∞
apr 27 2024 +

doing pretty damn good thank you for asking i'm sleeping after i'm done writing this but i just wanted to say i'm leaving my thoughts and epiphanies here when i get chances every now and then

also cool stuff in case cool things happen but uh yeah that's all i have right now

goodnight chat and stay frosty

apr 27 2024 ∞
apr 27 2024 +

Life's been pretty alright.

School is very hectic and there's a lot going on... but you know what? I can't wait for school to be over!!!

For summer to come by and for me to experience one of my last few breaks for a while.

I'll also get to play lots of games and dedicate lots of time to things I've been meaning to work on and do.

Hopefully I live by this. And if I don't, that's alright too. It's all part of being human.

Most important takeaway in this moment is that I'm still living and breathing. Even when sometimes it feels like nothing is worth it. I still gotta remember that I'm fighting for myself.

There's lots of mistakes I've done and there's regrets that course through my veins. One day, I'll get to resolve them one at a time.

may 9 2024 ∞
may 9 2024 +