π½ now playing: Perfect Water by Blue Γyster Cult π½
- i feel normal for the first time in six days
- i'm a little scared
- i think i probably should redrew a couple oc sheets i have on the main page
- fuck
- you know every time i say that i'm nice or say that i'm pretty i really don't believe it
- i feel like... if you say you're nice, then you're not actually nice
- or if you say the good traits about you then they're not really all that there
- like when people say they're empaths
- i guess i am an empath but i don't talk about it all the time
- because it makes me feel pretentious
- i don't really like being empathetic though
- like how i don't really like being pretty
- but i also like being pretty, i know i'm pretty. that's a fact
- i don't feel all that pretentious saying that i'm pretty because i know i'm pretty
- i guess i'm pretty
- a little bit
- but i know i'm pretty cause people are nice to me
π½ now playing: Here To Go by DEVO π½
- derealizing again
- i'm trying to stave it off with silly music
- it's crawling up behind me
- no i'm okay i'm fine
- i showered and now i'm going to try and draw something
- in a few minutes maybe i'll go drink some tea and brush my teeth
- i'll consider tofu