👽 now playing: The Beautiful Days by Swans 👽
- he's okay he said he was dizzy
- which still scared the shit out of me
- i totally forgot about the prodicer guy i was talking to
- i forgot to sign things but i signed the wrong thing
- i wanna die
👽 now playing: Glory Be by Oingo Boingo 👽
- stomach hurts
- date in 2 days fuckin terrified
👽 now playing: Junkhead by Alice in Chains 👽
- i'm sssssssssso tired
- i feel kind of nothing right now
- idk.....
- that boy's going to be coming to my house
👽 now playing: Double Life by Styx 👽
- ah i think that boy's trying to call me
- i'm WORKING ON SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- it's okay
- but like anyways i think that this looks good
- i wanna make a stageplay or something but
- no money
- no venue
- no script
- no costumes
- no actors
- no tech
- nothing