• "don't let people step on you. your feelings matter, and your comfort too. don't push them aside for people that doesn't respect or care about them"
  • "you are not alone. even if you don't talk too much with the majority of you friends, they still care about you, they'll help you when you need. they still consider you their friend. do not forget about them, they are here for you and you're there for them too."
  • "do not let your paranoia speak for you. nothing can prove that someone hates you or that they're upset with you just by some words or a different way they talk. if you're suspect with something, please talk about that with them, it's not gonna make them angrier and communication is key to everything."
  • "everytime you feel anxious about doing anything for the first time, remember you're not the only one. there are also people that are doing the same thing. they're confused and neeed help, just like you. ask for help, and people will help you, no one is gonna judge."
  • "talk about your feelings. no one can read you mind and ask you first if youre okay, please tell them you're not okay when you're feeling down with something. if they did something that made you feel bad, tell them. as always, communication is the key, and doesn't matter if it's hard, gater up the courage to speak, it's gonna be okay. don't silence yourself and wait for people to notice."
  • "love yourself. even if you have some flaws, you have a lot more qualities. love them, improve them. let it be your proud and joy. you're beautiful and your friends and family love you for whom you are."
  • "don't compare yourself with others. you grow up differently than some people, and you learn things in a diferrent way. let people inspire you and your sytle, but don't copy them. aspire to be the one thats gonna inspire people in the future."
  • "it's gonna be hard to 100% accept yourself, but remember, rome wasnt built in one day, neither you self hate. its gonna be the same to your self-love. things take time. be patient with yourself."
  • "prove to everyone that you can be responsible for yourself. you wrote everything on your board or somewhere you can always check? then remember to always check it and do everything. ask for help when needed, but try to do everything for youself."
  • "if some music, show or book makes you feel bad because of past situations, create new memories with new people while listening/watching/reading it. its not the thing, and yes your experiences. they can be replaced with good memories and you'll soon enjoy it again. do not get stuck with the past, it's gone and don't let it haunt you ever again."
may 16 2016 ∞
aug 13 2016 +